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  1. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Those minty ones do look tasty...
  2. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Yay little non-minty guineas :lol:
  3. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Lurker chiming in, If you have the room for them, I'd keep the girls and grow out the juvies to see what you have coming up. Since he has issues both physically and temperamental, I'd send the rooster on his way. You have invested a lot of time & money already so I'd hate to see you throw in...
  4. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I would imagine all of the stress and the major changes in her life this past year aggravate it even further. Let her know she is in our prayers and thank you for updating everyone.
  5. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    It's actually a good idea to put something inside the box with both the sender and receiver name & address in case the label gets damaged. I used to do this with every box mailed out and got lazy :( Need to start that up again :)
  6. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I don't usually chime in much, but I agree with the time limit. I have a couple of swaps I still owe (and several owed to me). I stress about getting them sent out, but have tried to keep in in touch with the other parties as much as possible. The issue I will run into with eggs coming in in...
  7. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    If any mods are lurking about, could you please PM me cluckitall's address? Thanks :)
  8. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Just received two swap boxes (+ a mystery swap box from the WYGS thread!). Each of the 3 boxes was beat up, but due to the careful packing of each sender, the eggs came out untouched! The boxes came from Clover Run and KYTinpusher. Thanks ladies.
  9. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Does anyone have Jeff/Papas Poultry's address? I'm standing in line at the PO and just realized I left the dang thing on the kitchen counter. Help
  10. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Hi Rachael Hope you and your FIL are both feeling better. It is no fun to be sick and having to care for others as well as a farm full of critters. I thought my 40 laying hens were a pain to gather the eggs from! Ugh. Get better soon and good luck on your move. Wish I was closer to help ya.
  11. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I'm so glad to hear the good news! Don't feel bad, I did the EXACT same thing when my dad had a quadruple bypass about 7 years ago. I was calm and fine the entire time he was in there and even when we got to see him in recovery. When we hit the hotel room later, I completely lost it. I think...
  12. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    More fingers and toes crossed for ya!
  13. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I chatted a bit with her Tuesday. She is mega busy with the move to the farm.
  14. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I've been cringing reading all of the PO horror stories. Especially since I had chicks coming from Rachael this week. So I am actually going to share a happy USPS incident: Rachael shipped the chicks out yesterday and they arrived quickly this afternoon at the big sort center in Fresno...
  15. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    That is unbelievable! I hope they will reconsider that short of a stay. Especially at his age. We will keep him and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
  16. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Sorry, "smart" phone posted it twice :rolleyes:
  17. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Shantih, you are such a sharing person. You know I love you, but I'll pass on this particular gift from you :)
  18. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    That is my problem with the CCLs. I have got eggs from several sources and just flat out can't get them to hatch. I have even handcarried some and still have no luck. The other eggs set with them all hatch, but none of the gorgeous blue ones :( But on a happier note, I DO have 11 guinea keets...
  19. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I think it sounds like an excellent idea! As creative as you are, I would think it will be a pretty simple project. I like the idea of the drawers too - easy to contain and clean up any messes. Plus it could be set up to look like a nice piece of furniture.
  20. MrsMoonCat

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I agree! I would much rather set them :)
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