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  1. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    OMG I just had a surprise I was so worried none of my 3 welsummer chicks would hatch and I have not seen ANY pipping on those eggs. I left at 2:30 to pick up my kids from school and when I came back at 2:50 one was HATCHED!!!!! Talk about fast!! HAPPY DANCE
  2. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Have 3 Marans now hatched I had to help one a tiny bit. Two Splash and a blue all from crfarm, now I just hope the other 4 hatch!! I have two Mille Fleur Cochins pipped and 2 Cuckoo Marans pipped, I hope they go as fast as that last Marans, pipped at about 3 or 4 pm then hatched I think around...
  3. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    How long do you wait to help a chick hatch? I have a chick who started yesterday morning and then finally pipped a hole at 4pm yesterday, now still with the same hole only mms bigger. Is it 24 hrs?36?
  4. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I personaly do not have quite enough space to put chciks far away from each other, but I did work at a farm which had a really nice setup for quarantine. They had a kitty litter pan full of disinfectant that we would soak our shoes in every time we went in or out and we would change when dirty...
  5. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    So maybe I'll ask again incase it got rolled over I have 24-28 eggs in the incubator 1 hatched, 1 is in the process of hatching and others not even due for another 24 hrs. Do I try and take the two out that hatched in the morning if no others pipped? Or should I just leave them both in over 24...
  6. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I process my own chickens as long as I have latex gloves on nothing bothers me, well except the killing part that part someone else has to do either my SIL or my hubby. Other than the killng for me the hardest part was cutting off the legs it took me awhile to get over that. I use to work in a...
  7. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    HOLY COW!!!You guys(gals) are a bunch of chatty cathys!! I have not checked this thread in only 2 days and there are over 350 POSTS!!! I am not going to even try to catch up on that! But any way I want to say how awesomely happy I am. I got my very first incubator chick tonight!!Not only my...
  8. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Sorry to hear that, I feel for you really on both fronts. First we are back to over two feet of snow again and second my daughter's hen just died this weekend. I cried so hard, but not really for the bird more for my daughter. I had no clue what to do. Not only did she truly love that bird...
  9. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I don't know if I signed up for the Easter swap or not. I know I wanted to do it but my dad's wife is having a birthday party for him and my brother just told me about it today. The party starts at 4-5 so most likely won't be back until 6 or 7 and at that point my girls will have to go to bed...
  10. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I have to thank you if it weren't for you I would have either payed double the price or not been able to get any eggs at all from that person. I got KYTinpushers turkey eggs today, definitly a creative use of Easter eggs! All arrived safely and Thank you for the extra!!
  11. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    first time moms can make all sorts of bad choices. be glad she didnt eat them I have found that if we have a girl due and its cool or cold out if we move her inside a building she has a better chance at getting the litter started That is why I stopped breeding bunnies I had one doe that ate...
  12. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Hey my husband said this to me the other day and thought maybe I should share it here, maybe some one else might appreciate it. He asked "If you put a cadbury egg in the incubator could you hatch an Easter bunny?!!" he he he I thought it was funny anyway!
  13. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    OMG I almost wish I had swaps with you!! But lucky me most of the eggs I have from DMRippy look like they are developing plus I'm getting more!and I really bon't need anymore! I am already over 100 chicks with just the spring chick shipments nevermind the chicks that hatch for me! and boy I...
  14. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I usually do I have a whole pen designated for this but because of a mixup I have to use the pen for Bantams. Plus the crate that I use as my overflow quarantine was with my mom who is 6 hrs away, used it and had never given it back,she said she couldn't get to it. Another thing was the trio of...
  15. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I have a question for those who sell adult birds. If you sell your birds then find out you have mites or lice do you contact the people you sold to and let them know? If you already know you have lice or mites would you tell the buyers? I ask because last year I got in a bird with lice from a...
  16. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    What kind of roaches do you have the madagascar ones?Now those are cool they hiss at you! I like bugs just not spiders!!
  17. wife2abirdman

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I really hate spiders but I can't help but look. I didn't know tarantulas molted -creepy at the same time really neat. But I won't kid you those fangs really scare the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me!! It's not a rational fear but it's there. It's kinda weird for me I can deal with them one...
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