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  1. calichickies

    Anyone else have eggs due around 9-23?

    Finally!! Here she is at 1 day old - my little Buff Orp. -- Striking a pose and looking super cute! Hatch date Sept. 24th
  2. calichickies

    Anyone else have eggs due around 9-23?

    My avatar pic is an Ameraucana chick from a while back-- gotta love that eye liner on those Ameraucana babies. I'll try to post a pic of the new one but I am so busy commenting on posts on byc... I'm not sure I'll get around to it.
  3. calichickies

    Anyone else have eggs due around 9-23?

    My one and only little egg hatched last night at 2am - yippee for me! She is my very first Buff Orp from my own roo and hen. She's super cute and totally blond of course.
  4. calichickies

    Anyone else have eggs due around 9-23?

    If the hen rolled it out- chances are it doesn't 'feel' right to her. Hens don't like exploding rotten eggs under them anymore than we do. Some say the hens just know which eggs are bad (they feel rotten, full of gas, roll with a 'clunk' inside, etc.). If that happens again be sure to mark...
  5. calichickies

    Anyone else have eggs due around 9-23?

    I am staring at one egg in the bator due today... my very first Buff Orp from my very own hen and roo- this is my test egg. I have to stop myself from looking every 20 minutes... ugghh. Trying to exercise patience... but I really don't like to exercise. *drumming fingers* I think I hear...
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