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  1. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    Gee, as to the example they're setting for their children......Moses' mother hid him rather than have him thrown to the crocodiles. I'm sure that he would not have preferred that she be a boot-licker. The Bible is full of stories of those who went against the system. Not a Bible-believer? Our...
  2. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    That's about what I figured. Typical government garbage......create a problem, then charge someone else to cover the cost of the problem you've created.
  3. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    Have it your way. I refuse to debate this. I contend that if this is a free country, chicken ownership is very low on the list of things in need of governing. And towns with ordinances against it must have powerful little on their hands to worry about if governing chickens is high on their agenda.
  4. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    What exactly does the $25 pay for? How can a group of people who are elected by the public to begin with decide to "sell" privileges to the general populace? Why not require the town council to pay a yearly fee of $1000 each to sit on their little thrones? Sorry, but I regard most politicians...
  5. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    Good points, but what if the one wanting the chickens was there first? I don't consider chicken ownership to be a great infringement on others, seeing as how most folks who want chickens aren't interested in having 50 or 60, but usually only a few for eggs. I still say anyone should be able to...
  6. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    The fact that you quoted only the first paragraph leads me to believe that you understand more than you let on. I believe that as long as a person does not infringe on the rights of others, he can pretty much do as he pleases. I'd rather live next door to someone who is "high as a kite", as...
  7. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    More hens and less politicians/busybodies.........sounds Utopian, eh?
  8. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    If you cannot discern between a "criminal" and someone who does not bow to every ridiculous ordinance passed by some willy-nilly town council, then there's not much use in having this discussion. You really classify someone who does not wear his/her seatbelt with a violent offender? As to...
  9. C

    Disregarding Local Chicken Laws

    You might consider keeping a stick handy to play Whack-a-Mole with nosy neighbors looking over the fence. Civil Eggs, you make it sound like 20736 is proposing something harmful. Illegal hens? Get real. A crime so heinous the city wants you to give them money for it. Yep, that's the root of...
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