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  1. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I just had a realization... I know that strictly speaking, fodder is grain grown without any growing media, but, I was cleaning my pigeons cage and he is bedded in sweet pdz (essentially sand), there are some grains in his mix that he doesn't like and they get buried in his bedding. Every now...
  2. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Ok, first thing, are you sure it's mold? Some seeds put out really fine white "hairs" that are actually roots and will look like they have fuzzy white mold on them. If it really is mold, try doing a diluted bleach or peroxide rinse. Or, I have even seen that apparently it is recommended to...
  3. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I haven't tried it, but I would imagine that it might work ok. Only way to find out is to try it. Set up a tray and see how it does, worst thing that will happen is you will lose 1 tray of the mix.
  4. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I wouldn't. Reason being, Scratch generally has cracked corn, any cracked grain will not sprout but will ferment or mold instead. I don't know what the grain fermenting would do to the sprouting grain, but I know you certainly don't want it molding before you feed it out.
  5. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I read the huge threads all the way through too. I'm actually a little miffed currently because in the move they lost my place in each of the long threads I was reading... Now I have to bounce 10 pages or so at a time and try to find my place and MANUALLY go back to it each time because the "go...
  6. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Pretty much exactly, but it looks like with your setup that the grass is permanent, where what I was suggesting, you can swap out crops and keep the grass in a controlled environment so that it's always healthy and growing strong.
  7. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I agree, it wouldn't be fodder or sprouts at that point... BUT... in that case, what I would do, if the choice was to not do it at all or compromise, I would grow the "grass" in flats with soil or a soilless medium, then build a wooden box with a hardware cloth top that the entire flat will go...
  8. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Raise mealworms and Dubia roaches!
  9. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Check around and see if you have any feed mills around you. If you do, they will usually sell you the grains they use to make the feed in 50-100 pound bags.
  10. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Wow, clover seed at $1 a pound! That's dirt cheap! Those seeds are tiny!
  11. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    seed for sprouting for humans is fine, just more expencive than feed seed. The reason they say feed seed only is because the seed intended to plant a field with are often coated in things that will hurt an animal that eats the seed
  12. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Yes, they can, wheat grass smoothies and jucing wheat grass are all the rage these days, I don't do it, but people in general do... and usually the health nuts.
  13. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I've been doing some sprouting for the horses, right now I don't have the space to do fodder, but, what I have been doing is soaking the seeds the night before, then in the morning, I drain those and put the daily feedings amount in the container I was using to soak ( to take to the barn), then...
  14. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I don't know that I would really be a fan of using it in food, but that's just because it SOUNDS bad... in reality, bleach breaks down in sunlight and will go away in a day or 2 on it's own.
  15. Kusanar

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I'm currently sprouting sunflower seeds for my horses to give them some extra on top of their grain, only doing 2 cups for 2 horses, I have fed them dry sunflower seeds before for a little extra fat so hopefully this will make them more easily digestable for them.
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