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  1. griffinkid02

    What do you wear on your feet in your coop area?

    I guess I need more chickens, poop just really is NOT a problem in my coop, it dries out and gets crumbled up and mixed into the litter on the floor long before it can accumulate and become nasty. And my coop floor stays dry, dry, dry. THAT"S IT! That's my justification for getting more...
  2. griffinkid02

    What do you wear on your feet in your coop area?

    Tennis shoes, or....... Barefoot. LoL. I have 28 Bantams in a 16x16 coop, there really is NOT that much poop, except under the roosts. And my birds don't have runny poos so the floor stays dry, anything I pick up will be gone by the time I walk through the grass back up to...
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