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  1. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    I went out today to check for eggs and I found two! I'm so excited! One is the same color as yesterday's and the other is a pinkish light brown color.
  2. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    I come with some GOOD news! I have finally gotten my first egg!! I'm not sure which hen it came from but I don't care just excited for them to be laying. Here it is compared to a store bought "large" egg. I think it's huge!
  3. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Well I'm still eggless and my 6 hens will be coming to live with me in the next couple of days hopefully.
  4. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Okay everyone how's the egg laying coming? My ladies still haven't layed but a friend of mine is deciding if she wants to give me her 6 hens or not and they are laying perfectly but starting to slow in these cold winter days. I'm pretty excited I hope she lets me have em. Lol just thought I'd...
  5. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Yep. I keep em permanently in their coop now casue they got to wondering into the neighbors yard so I built a fence onto their coop so they can get some fresh grass and bugs when they want without me worrying about em in other people's yards.
  6. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Congrats on your eggs ! Still ain't got nothing. They are really loving that oyster shell though. I'm starting to suspect an egg eater even though I haven't seen any broken shells or anything.
  7. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Alright ya'll started them on OS yesterday. I mixed it in with their layer crumble and they ate it right up! They loved it.
  8. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

  9. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Alright ya'll I'm going sometime this weekend to buy some OS. Is there any brand ya'll prefer or is just any of them? I'm gonna try different feeding methods to see which one they prefer. I swear I got some spoiled rotten chickens. Oh well they deserve it(; I just wish they'd thank me in eggs. haha.
  10. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    I'm going to try the oyster shell feed. I've changed the hay in their nest boxes every other day.
  11. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Maybe I should start giving mine that speech! We'll see how that does haha .
  12. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    That sounds like a good lookin flock! I'm ready for my girls to lay! haha.
  13. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    My hens are 8 months old tomorrow. I haven't even seen signs of them wanting to lay yet. Maybe they'll start laying by spring. Fingers crossed.
  14. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Alright ya'll it's been a month since posting this and still no eggs.
  15. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Thanks everyone I'm gonna put all these tips to work starting tomorrow!(:
  16. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    They are Red Sex links .
  17. VannahRAe

    My hens still aint layin :(

    They are 30 weeks old and still no sign of them wanting to lay or anything. I give them layer feed and fresh water everyday. They free range in the afternoons. The weather is starting to get colder so could that be a possible show stopper lol ?
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