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  1. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    I had totally gotten over any expectations, and there it was! She didn't lay yesterday (and I went to the coop once an hour), but maybe there will be something today.
  2. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Woot! I got an egg! She didn't make it into the box but she least got to the nesting area. Not a good jump/flyer, my Guinevere!
  3. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    I went out yesterday to check the girls, and there it was, a pretty little egg laying in the run. I said "holy crap" and ran to get my camera. Then I started thinking -- my eggs aren't cream colored, they are brown and green supposedly. I went into the bedroom and woke my fiance up. I asked...
  4. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    If a mouse was getting into the nesting box, I'd have to see some evidence of either an eaten egg or a smashed egg when the mouse dropped it from the height of the box (unless I have the mice from NIMH, who can walk on hind legs), wouldn't I? I have golf balls and two nesting boxes in two...
  5. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    I am feeding mine layer in pellet form and they don't seem to eat it as much as everything else. I might have to get more in crumbles. Do you think that mice like OS? I know I have some mice out by the coop and the garden, and when I put out about a cup of OS, it is gone in 24 hours, which...
  6. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    At least it's not just me -- I read all of these posts about people's chickens laying at 17 weeks, 18 weeks, and I think, heck, it's gotta happen anytime. . . but then days and weeks go by and nothing happens.
  7. jabina

    My hens still aint layin :(

    Mine aren't laying either, and they are 6 months. A BR and possibly faux-auracuna. I was hoping for an election egg. . . I assumed it was the weather but I think it's their names, Guinevere and Criseyde. :(
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