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  1. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    Sadly can't find any source that doesn't tie back to that New Yorker article. Still funny though.
  2. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    Loved this article: “wanton exploitation of powers that are legally granted to him under the U.S. Constitution.” "using his position as President to lead the country.”...
  3. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    Who's against illegal immigration? What's the answer for people receiving "entitlements"? Why not have a discussion instead of a dogmatic response to things you disagree with?
  4. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    This is the kind of blind adherence to a single viewpoint that is what unnerves me about so many gun advocates. There is no interest in working on something that suits the majority, no interest in understanding anyone else's viewpoint, even if you disagree, just the angry "I will never give up...
  5. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    Worth repeating
  6. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    Nerdly awesome White House response to a request for a death star: Quote: This Isn't the Petition Response You're Looking For
  7. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings
  8. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    Real estate?
  9. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    In 1992? Right after finishing law school? Probably not a lot, but who is worth a lot when they first finish school? And who cares what Nancy Pelosi's net worth has done?
  10. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    True, but it's pretty easy to tell which sources are credible, and which are fanciful. Also, adding your sources makes it easy to spot an intelligent, well-researched comment vs one that's made up, or simply passing along bits that were themselves never researched.
  11. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

  12. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

  13. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

  14. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

  15. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    I think most of these changes wouldn't even be felt by our men and women in congress. Their "salaries" represent very little of their actual worth. Quote:
  16. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    That was hysterical!! Excellent use of half truths and conjecture to create a giant Marxist conspiracy! Must've taken him a while to create all that.
  17. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

  18. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

  19. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings

    I get this, I just hope that other people reading along will realize that backing your statements with a source you believe to be accurate is a much better way to interact on line. It's clear that anyone can post drivel and pretend it has some validity; it's much harder to actually investigate...
  20. MamaRoo

    Political Ramblings Her very first statement is incorrect: Quote: From Wiki: Quote: Hitler's forces worked to suppress any opposition. Before the first German soldier crossed the border, Heinrich Himmler and...
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