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  1. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    Corn bread..where you pour it in the hot bacon grease in the cast iron skillet, so it gets almost a fried crust on it...the grease and the bacon go in the corn bread, with cheese, pepper, and cilantro.... My kids prefer the cake stuff.
  2. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    Officially, it is the job of the Supreme Court and lesser courts to rule on the constitutionality of laws. Soldiers are expected to know what constitutes an unlawful order, which includes things like torture and treatment of prisoners. That being said, a soldier better be darn sure that s/he...
  3. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    You want to deal with un-constitutional...go after the Patriot Act and the whole idea of "enemy combatant" and the exemptions from Amendments IV, V and VI. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that there are limits on second amendment rights....but as far as I know the Patriot Act hasn't...
  4. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    In 1945, every human in American did not have a camera/phone/computer in their pocket...different world.
  5. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    Lt. General Boykin is vice president of a group that the Southern Poverty Law Center considers a hate group...just a thought to keep in mind.
  6. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    A flat tax rate is regressive. A poor person is spends far more of their income, it goes straight back into the economy, supporting business and workers. US corporate taxes and taxes on high income "earners" are at the some of the lowest rates ever. I still don't understand why money earned...
  7. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    No unions here in Texas. They resort to bonds because they are only allowed a certain cap for taxes, they cannot pass that. Bonds do a run around on the tax cap. We also have a Robin Hood clause here in Texas, so that property rich districts end up sending money to property poor districts...
  8. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    In almost every district, money for capitol projects, buildings, books, playgrounds, etc, come from a different fund than does money for teaching. In our district, almost every capitol project is funded by bonds; which means the money can only be used for the projects described in the bonds...
  9. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    I ;just wish I could come up with lines while I'm speaking. For some reason the always occur to me at 3 o'clock in the morning...
  10. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    The problem with voucher systems is that private schools don't have the same requirements as public schools. They don't have to follow the same curriculum, they are exempt from much of the state testing requirements (the lucky dogs), they don't have to provide special education for gifted and...
  11. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    The government isn't running the healthcare system...private businesses are. I suggest some of you go off and compare some large businesses, and how they handle healthcare and salaries. Costco and Walmart are two that come to mind....also check out the Hostess debacle. The Hostess executives...
  12. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    The other point is that working a minimum wage job still puts you below the poverty level. Minimum wage for 2000 hours a year is $14,500, well below the poverty line in the US. If you have younger children, you must pay daycare out of that money, as well as all the other needs for life. The...
  13. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    My point was actually that many people have said stuff like people on foodstamps drive a nicer car than I do, have nicer clothes than I do, etc... You can't tell a person's circumstances by their clothing or car or by what they buy at the grocery store. I don't smoke, but I buy a lot of...
  14. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    I volunteer at a food pantry 3 days a week. I sort and sell a whole lot of really nice clothes. I sell clothes from Talbots, Chicos, Land's End, Nordstroms, Bill Blass, Izod, Tommy Hilfiger, hand-made Italian suits, Lucky, White and Black, etc for $3 for shirts and pants and $5 for dresses and...
  15. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    ChickenEd, you are wrong on mental illness. We've been over this ground before, so I'm not going there. Many of the mentally ill are not adequately treated, many insurance companies cover very little mental health care, and getting help for some one who doesn't see themselves as ill is nearly...
  16. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    Actually that 80% is the figure from 1996, current figures for "chronic substance abuse" are much lower. I don't think being an alcoholic is a choice, nor is being an addict. As the child of someone who died from the disease, I know that it isn't a choice. Many of the homeless are mentally...
  17. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    I don't think anyone can determine a person's whole life by standing behind them in the checkout line at the grocery store. I've stood behind a lot of people, and have never been able to see what kind of card they are using or been able to tell if they garden just by looking at them. The...
  18. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    Simple fact of the matter is the government has been borrowing against social security. The other fact is that what people put in isn't what they are currently drawing out. For the boomers...average household income from 1960-1970 was about $7000 or about $38,000 in today's dollars (1970-1980...
  19. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings the map. In Texas it looks like the only truly blue areas are in the Valley and El Paso and the only truly red areas are the suburbs of Houston and Dallas. The rest is purple. I think it is also interesting that very few states are only one color, Hawaii seems to be...
  20. mom'sfolly

    Political Ramblings

    Here is a fun picture of Texas secessionists:
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