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  1. momma of a chicken lover


    I am sorry the little woodies didn't make it. Thank you for trying to save them.
  2. momma of a chicken lover


    Try this link...
  3. momma of a chicken lover


    Taking a break from this snow removal process. How is everyone doing?
  4. momma of a chicken lover


    I believe, if you message them, it will show up in the top right hand corner. If they notice it, they can message you back. Seems a lot like instant messaging just without the pop up window of the message.
  5. momma of a chicken lover


    Glad you are here!
  6. momma of a chicken lover


    Hi Chicken owners from the St. Paul area, I am on another board and saw this this evening... "We found a lost hen tonight down by Aide Mill Rd. She seems healthy and looks to be about 17 weeks. Please claim we don't have the room for her in our coop." If it is yours, I will get you in touch...
  7. momma of a chicken lover


    Our rooster found a fabulous hobby farm and we continue to have two buff Orpington and an americauna.
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