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  1. bakerjw

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Unfortunately the knee jerk reaction is to penalize the law abiding. Also unfortunate is that this is a very complex issue with few easy answers. It is well agreed by all that he should never have had access to firearms and that places the blame at the feet of his mother. If a mother has a child...
  2. bakerjw

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    This is a valid statement. So should we try fixing the mentally ill or penalize those who abide by the law?
  3. bakerjw

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Sorry, but it's not absolutely clear that we need better controls over firearms. The better controls that are needed are not for restricting law abiding citizens like myself, but the mentally ill that perpetrate these atrocities. There were warning signs with every one of these last several...
  4. bakerjw

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    At issue here should not be gun control but the addressing of the fact that the mentally ill are not getting the right treatments for their problems. And those that are getting treated are not necessarily being treated by physicians with the proper training. Just because one is a doctor doesn't...
  5. bakerjw

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    The only good that can come from this horrible incident is to have a calm sit down talk where the treatment of the mentally ill is addressed. There is a distinct correlation between people who commit these atrocities and anti depressant/anxiety medications...
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