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  1. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    She is an Eastern Gray Squirrel. Made it safe and sound here. Ugh... I would freak if a tornado hit anywhere close to here or even just buzzed by. We had some somewhat high winds here early evening, but died down after that. I don't think we had more than a few sprinkles. You might want to...
  2. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    No, Rusty was a red squirrel. I'm sure he's still around -- I think he lives in the big hickory at far end of my property.
  3. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    From what I've read some squirrels will still hang around a bit, come for treats, etc. and others don't. I think with age they will become less people oriented. I have a chihuahua that is absolutely squirrel crazy. She doesn't want to hurt them, but sure enjoys the chase. 2 years ago there was...
  4. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Siss, Mo huh? I've never heard of that. Maybe I can go check that out when I take my folks to see Hermann. I have not had much chance to get out and about since moving here -- always busy with the animals, yardwork, etc. One of these days -- I better make time soon.
  5. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    It started out with super tiny sleet here about 1-1/2 hours ago and it's now snowing. I hope we don't get too much or that it least warms up the next couple of days. It was so cold and breezy today. Brrr.......
  6. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    You have beautiful chickens :) Love the picture of you training your chicken. Are you using treats to coax her or?? I also have that "they hate eachother" feeling at times. When I take out special meals or treats now I take 3 bowls. One for the older chickens, one for the young pullets and one...
  7. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    OMG I love him/her :love-- so cute with that hairdo! Pretty coloring too. I want it :oops:
  8. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    The pamphlet is one they give out during chick days. My Orscheln didn't have them yet when I was in there a week ago. The back of the booklet has coupons. Been getting a bit of rain here too. I didn't think it rained much, but there's a lot of water standing in the yard -- mostly around the...
  9. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Ref The ducks are no longer available - they are going to freezer camp :/
  10. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    I am hoping to get some seeds started in the basement in the next week. Last time I planted seeds directly in the garden and the heavy rains washed them away. Then I want to start building my hugelkulture (?). I've got some long skinny trees that I pulled out along the edge of the septic pond --...
  11. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Y'all are making me hungry -- and I love burgers and fish alike. One of these days I'll get to the lake.
  12. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    No, I heard they were going to have one and a siren test in town, but we don't hear it from here. Just the usual weather radio test, but I was out i the coop when that took place. It's snowing here. They said possible flurries tonight, but wouldn't stick. Well, we've been having some pretty...
  13. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Some neighbors complain just for the sake of complaining. But, then again rules are rules and IMHO it's better to abide by them and save yourself possible future heartache. When I lived in the state of California I was in an area that didn't allow poultry of any kind. Well, I had a very large...
  14. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    I forgot to mention -- I have 2 MALE Pekin ducks that need homes if anyone wants them. I'm in central Missouri -- about 35 miles NW of Columbia. I am willing to travel at least part of the way if interested. The reason I'm getting rid of them is because I don't have or want female ducks and...
  15. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    The big barn is well over a hundred years old and definitely needs work, but kinda out of my range.... There were at least 3 groundhogs. I shot one last year with a borrowed shotgun and may have injured another -- found it laying dead in the field about a week later. The big old thing that's...
  16. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    I put my new "plastic" rain gauge out after most of the rain. The last gauge I had was glass and it broke last winter. I didn't know you can't keep it out in a freeze. What the heck good is it if you have to take it down. lol We didn't get any real heavy rain here. I think it was more windy...
  17. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Your chickens are beautiful -- such bright colors. Hi there and welcome to BYC Missourian! Hi there and welcome to BYC Missourian! Hi there and welcome to BYC Missourian! Thanks for the info on the hugelkulture. Never heard of it before, but looks like it be something I can do with downed...
  18. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Sorry you're having so much back pain -- no fun. This weather doesn't help at all either. Love those sketches Sue :eek: My oldest chickens have got the going back in their pen/house thing down pat. We have a routine that I've used since they were chicks. I carry a broom and basically herd them...
  19. Crooked Chicken

    calling any one from missouri

    Sue -- that baby is adorable and does resemble a dinosaur! Heck, we had a light snow this morning, but it was completely gone by early afternoon. Still taking the birds out a couple of times a day. The youngsters had a good time eating the snow for a bit. Haven't watched the news yet, but I...
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