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  1. DuckieTam

    Soft eggs. What to feed the picky goose?

    I have Big R (50 miles away) CAL Ranch and IFA (70 miles). I know Cal ranch does not carry it, next time I am in that town I am going to check IFA. I rarely go to the town that is 50 miles away (different direction) if I can't find what I am looking for at IFA, I will be making a trip in that...
  2. DuckieTam

    Soft eggs. What to feed the picky goose?

    I don't have any males in my coop right now. But it is nice to know that when/if I get males I should not use a liquid calcium with them. I have been giving her the dry grass for over 2 weeks and she still turns up her nose at it. She picks a little at the veggies, but because she picks so...
  3. DuckieTam

    Soft eggs. What to feed the picky goose?

    I have a white chinese that started laying back in Nov, I don't have a gander. The thing is her eggs are soft sometimes not all the time but it seems every 4th or so egg is soft. I have oyster shell available to all my girls all the time, I feed them back eggs and shells but she don't eat...
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