Soft eggs. What to feed the picky goose?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 22, 2012
Battle Mountain, NV
I have a white chinese that started laying back in Nov, I don't have a gander. The thing is her eggs are soft sometimes not all the time but it seems every 4th or so egg is soft. I have oyster shell available to all my girls all the time, I feed them back eggs and shells but she don't eat them. She is the pickiest goose I have ever known (also my first goose). She will only eat green grass, she does eat the layer crumble but prefers the grass. Problem is it is winter, 6" snow on the ground the green grass is gone. I found some grass hay and she nibbles at that but shows her disgust at eating dry grass. I am going to set up a fodder system to provide all my girls with green grass year round, but in the mean time I don't know what to do. I have my ducks, goose and chicken all together. They get all sorts of veggie scraps, eggs (cooked), yogurt, BOSS, scratch, grass hay, and the layer feed. Her soft eggs has me baffled, it tells me she is low on calcium but she has it available to her at all times. Does anyone know what I can feed my picky goose to help her? I mainly just want her to be healthy her eggs are just a nice benefit of having her.
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My husband is doing some research about the possibility of adding liquid calcium to the water of poultry. It would be an "off label use" as this is a non poultry product. Perhaps someone on this board can speak to other possibilities. I know some people put Tums in the waterers but again that is an off label use as well. It is a challenge when they only want grass and off course that doesn't give the needed calcium. hope some one else can chime in!
i wouldnt use liquid calcium since ganders dont need the extra and it can cause more harm than good.

Your goose may enjoy whole grains, you will need to experiment with the types and see what she likes. Look into fodder and fermenting as well, both would benefit a picky eater. Geese dont like change, so when giving a new food offer for a week or more before you say they dont like it.
I don't have any males in my coop right now. But it is nice to know that when/if I get males I should not use a liquid calcium with them.

I have been giving her the dry grass for over 2 weeks and she still turns up her nose at it. She picks a little at the veggies, but because she picks so much the chickens or ducks will steal the treats she plays with.

I am working on fermenting, I have everything and am getting ready to start the process. I am just having a hard time finding whole grains, I can find rolled oats, or corn, or a corn/rye/oat mix that is mostly corn. I am looking around to find a non-corn mix to ferment and grow.
I have Big R (50 miles away) CAL Ranch and IFA (70 miles). I know Cal ranch does not carry it, next time I am in that town I am going to check IFA. I rarely go to the town that is 50 miles away (different direction) if I can't find what I am looking for at IFA, I will be making a trip in that direction to check out Big R's. I hope I can find something, but I am thinking of fermenting some beans and BOSS for the time being.
You could also try Alfalfa (Lucerne) Hay or sprouts - it is much higher in both calcium and protein than most of your standard grasses. It is also very easy to sprout. Chia is also high in calcium and protein - and may be a good alternative if sprouting is not an option (It also sprouts easily).

Forgot to add that if you want to feed chia - soak it first so that it doesn't swell in her croop.
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