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  1. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    You must have drunk more beer/apple ale than I have.
  2. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    So who is having lambs this spring?I only have two ewes bred this year. One is an East Freisian-Lacune/Dorset ewe and the other is the same crossed with a Shetfindor.. The Shetfindor (Shetland/Finn/Dorset) ram as well as a ram that is a cross between a Shetfindor and an E.Freisian-Lacune/Dorset...
  3. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    You might want to explore using Finn ewes. They have from 2 to 5 lambs and the goal of the breeding is to be able to feed that many. There have been a few exceptional individuals that have been able to feed 6 lambs. Of course they consume a larger amount than usual of hay and grain to be able to...
  4. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Welcome to the joys and heartache. If you don't have a Large Guard Dog or Donkey get one. A female mustang horse works very well too. The best fence to keep out coyotes is an electric fence that you put aluminum strips on and bait with peanut butter. The coyotes lick the peanut butter and get...
  5. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    That was cool I took the uncommon one and came up with California Red first and Clun Forest second. I think the Clun Forest is sooo cool looking!
  6. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Here is an epic journey that is happening right now with a man and his goat trekking across America:
  7. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Anytime they bag up they can be at risk for mastitis. Less so if a baby hasn't been biting on her but is she bags real tight it stays that way for a while it can damage things. If you just milk her enough to take the pressure off each day she should dry up in about 2 weeks without the meds.
  8. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    I'm sure some of you recognize Sue Weaver's name as an author of several backyard livestock keeping books. This video was made for her by a friend and features both her Miniature Cheviots and other people's Classic Cheviots. It is a lovely Spring video. Enjoy.
  9. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Cornell sites the cause as the protein, and if you look up the science papers it will explain it in exhaustive detail (in words so complex it makes me run for a technical dictionary). Sometimes you just have to jump to the end and read the summary in some Agriculture experiment papers. But it...
  10. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Sorry, everything that I have found that is deer resistant (and therefore sheep resistant) seems to have some level of toxicity to them. However I have numerous wild cherry on my property and int 15 years have only lost a lamb to cherry leaves. You see it is safe green and safe dead dry but...
  11. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    When they get older it can be a good idea. I define that at about 7 years old especially if they are known to twin or triple. Also as far as your abundant ram problem. Feed alfalfa during breeding season. Cornell Unv. has done research that shows that high protein levels (they used alfalfa)...
  12. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    If you can buy local grown that is the best. The hay, cubes and pellets have some additional processing that I like to avoid if possible. If you have a good nose and compare the two you will notice your local grown has sweeter/fresher smell. Your processed alfalfa (even the compressd bales at...
  13. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Supplement the moms with some alfalfa. It is good for bringing the milk in.
  14. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    The first year I had sheep, they got pink eye (conjuntivitis). One of the guys on Sheep-L told me the Basque shepherd's remedy is burghandy wine. Put it in a spray bottle and spray eyes. Knocked it out in about 3 days then I marinated steaks with the rest of the wine!
  15. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    If you ever want to talk to sane shepherds (besides here of course) look up the bulletin community called Sheep-L. It is managed out of Denmark but has a world wide English speaking audience. John Salmon is a man from your neck of the woods who only just retired about a year ago from a life of...
  16. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Ha hahahah! Since my flock was based out of Shetlands (+ Finn, Dorsets, and now some milk sheep) a 4lb. lamb doesn't seem so super tiny. That is about what my trips have weighted. With the addition of the milk sheep though it has been about 4 years since I have had a 4 pounder.
  17. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    I forget what part of the country this is in. If it is the Southeast and you treat a herd/flock like that I can almost guarantee that they died of coccidia or barberpole worm or a combo of both. That would be your results in TN where I am.
  18. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Well maybe she was thinking about the Northern Shortailed family of sheep (Shetlands, Finns, Icelandic, Manx, Hebredian and some others). Their tails are short and pointed with a hair tip but are held low unless they are pooping or fighting or in heat. My goats soon learned not to go head to...
  19. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    The conversation reminded me of a mustang mare I used to have. She was a Super Mom! None of the adult sheep DARED share her feed bucket or risk a stomping but she would let the lambs eat with her.
  20. Penny Hen

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Throw in a dog and you could have the Brennentown musicians with the Tom taking the roosters part.
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