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  1. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Some good photos on this site of some not often seen breeds of sheep (and goats) --- some quite strange ones too. Quote:
  2. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    That's interesting Penny Hen. I wouldn't try that without a Maremma or similar to prevent dog attacks because there's a pretty good chance that goat won't survive the trip otherwise.... Maybe that's just me being pessimistic... But I also wouldn't use that sort of goat. He's weedy with a...
  3. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Lots of good looking Cheviots in that vid. Thanks for posting.
  4. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    If you want to know what breed, seeing the sire and dam would be more relevant probably than seeing their offspring. Some breeds are obvious but others not.
  5. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Good thing you got there in time! All's well that ends well.
  6. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Like that black bellied look in goats and sheep. Nice. The badger/whatever facial markings are also pretty handsome.
  7. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Me and WallabyOfChaos recently went over this subject and the mods deleted the results, but yes, goats and sheep do produce offspring sometimes, and even sometimes fertile offspring. ;) I had some links I provided that proved it but it's not like it's hard to google for information, everyone...
  8. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    You can always have your cake and eat it too, as long as you do your homework first. :P
  9. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Quote: If they're not dual purpose or milk bred then you could probably forget about getting enough milk for two people from three sheep. Temporarily you might, but it would be most likely short term and might not meet your needs. Nobody says you have to keep only one type of sheep. Why not...
  10. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Quote: Animals don't have private parts, they're all public. Good for you, getting a little ewe lamb!
  11. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Too bad you don't live near me, I'd buy a ram lamb. My thoughts on them bearing every year is that unless they are of a breed or species that naturally only bears every second or third year or whatever, then it's fine, provided they receive enough nutrition and aren't being artificially...
  12. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Very handsome lambs! Like the coloring and general shape.
  13. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Thanks for that Penny Hen, sounds like he'd have some really relevant information for me, and more country specific too which always helps, often I end up learning from European shepherding or that of other countries which is not totally relevant to these conditions; UK shepherds in particular...
  14. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    The part of the country I'm in is in Australia. ;) Barberpole worm is my guess, since it appears epidemic in sheep around here. Liver fluke too. My sheep's never had a problem with worms, but for some reason every sheep I've seen around here is totally infested. Drug resistance in the...
  15. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Nice pics, RavenChance. Welcome to BYC. :)
  16. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Lots of good looking sheep round here lately. Even 'Melanoma'. Course she'll get a 'husband' --- he won't be looking at her face after all. ;) My ram lamb and ewe are having headbutting competitions, doubt there will be any lambs anytime soon lol.
  17. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Lol, you're not rude for asking. He did bury them but moved the pile. According to him, they were not being looked after, even by his standards, and they all died suddenly. Recently he moved that pile so now they're exposed. They've only been dead long enough to lose the flesh, but that's no...
  18. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Hmm, I don't know if you have to ask to join this thread or any/all other threads on this site. No thread I've commented in so far has had any kind of request system set up. It's not my thread, either, so I wouldn't be the one to ask, but the OP didn't specify as far as I saw that this thread...
  19. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Hard to give any sort of guess with so little info. Are they in a yard with pasture? Or do they just rely on hay and pellets? It sounds to me like you've spotted some sign that subconsciously is setting off alarm bells in your head but you've not got the information to identify what you're...
  20. chooks4life

    Sheep Chat Thread

    I know what you mean about those certain females' offspring, I've always found the same with my animals even of different species. Now I know it's best to ask on what criteria the animal's graded by the breeder, because I've been finding out lately that many people say they breed "quality...
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