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  1. buffbrahmaboy

    Again. With the hawk.

    Now you really got me interested, so I looked into the MBTA. My examination was cursory, but it's interesting that the lawmakers of the time treat migratory birds as human property that is deserving of protection only to the extent that they continue to serve human interests. One thing I...
  2. buffbrahmaboy

    Again. With the hawk.

    "There is no open season on Raptors, however Section 26(2) provides landowners with an exemption to hunt, take, trap, wound, of kill wildlife that is a menace to a domestic animal or bird at a time not within the open season (and a few other exemptions that are underlined above). It is my...
  3. buffbrahmaboy

    Again. With the hawk.

    Yesterday evening I found a dead hen inside my secure run. She was wedged under the ramp to the pop door. Two piles of feathers; one near the carcass. The head was missing and the neck stripped to the breast. I thought maybe a racoon or mink did the deed by pulling her head through the WWM, but...
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