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  1. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    Link does not work for some reason. I'll try again.
  2. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    Thanks again everyone. One amazing thing about this little bird is that even though she came to us completely abused, underweight from only being fed free bread from a local food pantry, covered in feces, etc. The very night we brought her home she knew we were helping her. As she got her...
  3. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    Thank you. I just feel badly that she suffered perhaps more than she should have. But every day was a roller coaster ride, she'd be looking much better-- then worse, then better so we'd have hope, then worse again. Back and forth like that for weeks. At this point, I'm glad none of my other...
  4. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    She's gone, but went quietly and in our arms. Once she started to move her neck in a strange manner, I just knew it was time.
  5. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    Well, I was wrong. In fits and starts she would have a great appetite, and seemingly be well on the mend. Now she's at deaths door again. It's fairly obvious that she's not going to make it this time. I had so hoped to see her enjoy just one spring, since she came from such a horrible...
  6. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    Update:!!! It looks like my little Daisy is going to pull through! She came very close to death, and I will give a better accounting of what I've done to try to help others later, but just when it looked like all hope was dashed-- I pulled out all the stops and fed her with a syringe, EGG...
  7. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    Thank you for your very informative post! I really appreciate it. I suppose I'm back to square one because her wattles and joints are not swollen, but all other indications apply. I'm going to now look up your suggestion "cocci" and see if that fits. What does a vet usually charge for a...
  8. Funky Chooks

    She's losing the battle I'm afraid... Fowl cholera?

    So, my little rescue hen (one of them) has been indoors for over a week in a heated cage and nothing I can do has helped. We are trying to determine if she has "fowl cholera." Indications: Sudden onset from appearing healthy to being extremely ill (literally overnight) weakness pale...
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