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  1. CapricornFarm


    I started up a seed swap! It is in the swap section. Check it out.
  2. CapricornFarm


    We have loads of paw paw trees and saplings. Blackberries, black walnuts, chestnuts grow wild. I have planted blueberries, blackberries(thornless) , apples, plums, peaches. Plan to add more apples and pears. Oh and strawberries plus raspberries.
  3. CapricornFarm


    Yeah, goats love landscaping. Hot wires to the rescue!
  4. CapricornFarm


    Um yeah, thanks .. not my first rodeo! I had 100 of 'em in TN!:gig Already addicted. Hubby has set my limit at 6:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau
  5. CapricornFarm


    I am going to get small goats, they need less feed and less space. They are great at getting rid of brush. The builder needs to finish the goat shed and we have fencing to install once the ground melts.
  6. CapricornFarm


    I hear the best part of beaver is the tail.
  7. CapricornFarm


    The bunny condo is done and in the goat shed for the winter.
  8. CapricornFarm


    I got my rabbit condo almost built and the lazy slackers finally have all the windows in the goat barn but power not hooked up, concrete not poured and latches need attaching.
  9. CapricornFarm


    We are burning through it fast in Virginia as well. Hubby was out a good part of the day with the chain saw. I went shopping! Tomorrow working on the rabbit cage and i will gather more kindling.
  10. CapricornFarm


    You could anchor it by driving in some t posts possibly?
  11. CapricornFarm


    Hubby says i can build a greenhouse but using concrete blocks at the bottom so it needs to be above freezing. Don't know when i will start.
  12. CapricornFarm


    I was thinking a pond would be an easy build here, right near the river. I would build a water wheel and gravity feed into the pond, then have locks to let it out as needed. Have not figured out what kind of fish i want. Don't tell my husband, i am still trying to talk him into a greenhouse:gig
  13. CapricornFarm


    I was thinking old discarded jacuzzis would be perfect for raising fish.
  14. CapricornFarm


    Ooh, be careful, badgers are nasty!
  15. CapricornFarm


    I saw a very healthy looking buck this morning not far from here. Have not seen any scrawny ones.
  16. CapricornFarm


    I got a bunch of bushes for the front of the house at 75% off! I was sad i missed the fruit trees, though. Did manage to get 6 blueberry bushes and 3 thornless blackberry canes.
  17. CapricornFarm


    They had better learn not to use chicken wire! And what about that lady who refused to help put up siding! Get a grip, and get er done! Sure wish i had helpers like the show provides! I need a green house!
  18. CapricornFarm


    It looks big but most of it is taken up by the great room with the vaulted ceiling. My workshop is 12x20, the garage is 12x20 and the goat shed will be too. We also spend most days outside, but probably will be inside more this winter.
  19. CapricornFarm


    The back porch that you can't see in the picture is amazing! Up in the air among the trees. We get lots of birds visiting, especially hummingbirds in season. We like to eat out there. It is great living in the woods.
  20. CapricornFarm


    Here is a picture, we are having a bigger porch put on.
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