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  1. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    I also have some Hamburgs and one silkie rooster. I was wanting some good layers that I raised myself. I am enjoying them
  2. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    Yes. We are about as far south as it gets without being FL. :)
  3. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    Thanks for your help! I keep googling but I keep reading so many contradictory things!! Lol
  4. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    The sign on the 5 week olds said pullets. The sign on the week olds said straight run.
  5. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    I had read that a black line on the back of a road island red chick was a sign that it was a hen. I tried to only picks those with a black line :$ ??
  6. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    Thanks for your response!!! Maybe it did say red pullets? What about the smallest chicks?? I know for certain that I got them from a bin that said road island red (they were supposed to be straight line pulled!?)
  7. GAteacher99

    Help!? Rhode Island Red Question

    I am new to raising chickens. I bought some RIR from TSC recently on two separate occasions. I bought two that were supposedly pullets (I believe they are Roos from all I have read). Then after researching went back and bought six more and asked if I could pick out my own. Lol! Question is...the...
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