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  1. 4roues

    one of my Japanese quail looks sick , loss of feather - lethargic HELP!!

    thanks twocrowsranch, i had a look, and could not see anything that looks like mites, fleas or lice. she does have irritated skin, and lots of bald spot where she lost the feathers. i have also noticed an abnormal looking excrescence on its back, above the vent (see picture) i feed my quails...
  2. 4roues

    one of my Japanese quail looks sick , loss of feather - lethargic HELP!!

    Well after doing some research I realized that my sick female cortunix is most likely a silver pearl button quail (althought it was sold to me as a cortunix! - i had my first quail 10 months ago, ok its more like pets ;)- ) have a look at the picture and let me know what you think. Although...
  3. 4roues

    one of my Japanese quail looks sick , loss of feather - lethargic HELP!!

    I am quite worried...i noticed a few weeks ago that one of my jap quail feathers were not looking healthy. I believe that she stopped laying eggs too a few days or week ago. Now the cage floor is full of feather and when i pick her up, i can pluck the feather off easily, mainly on her tummy. She...
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