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  1. StaceySwinkels


    It is a red fox, and I don't want to shoot it, and I don't plan on having guns in my house with my children. But if it does come to that, I will do what I have to do, though I haven't seen it come back since that morning. It didn't actually get to eat the hen it killed, when we scared it off, we...
  2. StaceySwinkels


    I do know how to use a gun, however I don't have one, it is still at my dads house, 3 hours away. My mom freaked out when I told her about it, and that I wanted to shoot it, and said it was illegal to shoot a fox, I haven't had much time to look into it though. Are you sure I shouldn't be...
  3. StaceySwinkels


    I've also offered to pick up a trap, and they told me they do not lend them out anymore because they had issues with them a few years back, but didn't really go into detail. The officer they assigned to it called me, and said he'd be out in the next few days, and apparently knows my father in...
  4. StaceySwinkels


    He didn't actually get into our coop, we haven't had a problem before, and usually let the chickens out around the yard, the fox came about 5 feet from our deck after them. Then came back a few times and it stood at the tree line, taunting me after we scared it off. It didn't even care that we...
  5. StaceySwinkels


    Had a fox get into my chickens the other day, killed one, and took the tail off another DNR is supposed to come set a live trap and get rid of it, but it's been 2 days and I haven't seen them yet. It was a big fox, half the size of my dog, if they don't come soon, I'm probably going to freak...
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