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  1. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Well it looks like I will be processing a rooster in a couple of days. I had two of my ewes with lambs grazing on the lawn and took out a can of grain to get them back into their paddock before feeding the chickens. Long John Silver, my OE roo, slammed into my legs and drove one of his 2 inch...
  2. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    BTW everyone, with the mention of vet euthanization, if you have a pet put down and bring it's body home for burial, bury them deep or put large stones on top. Buried a cat and my aunts dog dug him up and ate on him and nearly lost his life too. The bodies are poison.
  3. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Years ago when there was the craze to make feathered hatbands for cowboy hats I mail ordered a pheasant skin with the feathers intact. It had a hole were the head had been cut off and looked like they had made a hole at the butt and peeled the skin off in a tube shape. It wasn't tanned but it...
  4. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I am so torn. I have 4 roos and only need 2. None are mean like the red roo that I processed last year. He spurred me one time too many and that made it easy. But these guys are nice. And they have the most gorgeous feathers. Until I get out to the pen I can say that I will keep the senoir roo...
  5. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Well it is almost time to butcher two yearling roos. I have too many and they both have qualities I am not keen on. The are F2 Olive Eggers. One has no beard and yellow legs and has started sneaking up on me and spurring my calves if I am slow putting out the grain. Yellowlegs is the first to...
  6. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I have learned that I have to exaggerate my symptoms for a doctor so he will take them at the right level. Most doctors automaticaly discount your symptoms 10 to 20%. To get them to consider the right level of pain or sickness I found that I had to exaggerate by that much. When I find a doc that...
  7. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    No I think this was meant to be a shock therapy session. She may well be a reformed ad woman who got sick of shoveling the deception to people. I know the feeling. As a Graphic Designer there are some companies that I would never seek employment from because I disagree so deeply with their...
  8. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    The trick to an accurate hard blow with a machete is a fast wrist snap at the end of the swing. It is more like throwing a punch with your machete in your hand but you are going to snap the wrist at the end of the punch and the blade not you fist is going to make contact with the chickens neck...
  9. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    The rubber glove insulate your Electromagnetic Field generated by your body (what New Agers call an aura) from touching the electromagnetic field of the chicken. This way electrical impulses from the animal that you are going to kill don't transfer to you. You instinctively knew what you needed...
  10. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Given their attitudes maybe you should refer to them a DIVA Browns.
  11. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    If you want to avoid the steroids there will need to be a withdrawal period. The weight gaining steroids in cattle are administered by an ear tag. So you see a topical solution of steriods finds its way into the food chain. I couldn't begin to guess the withdrawal. If you know the antibiotic and...
  12. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    They will. If you know someone who does flint knapping the flint blades are the sharpest of all. National Geographic had an article on flint blades 15 or 20 years ago. It had been argued in some circles that flint blades weren't up to the task of butchering out a mammoth. So when a zoo had one...
  13. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Are you using stainless steel or carbon steel? Carbon steel can be honed sharper than stainless. You do have to meticulously clean and oil it after every use to keep it from rusting.
  14. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Yeah, we have been through several rounds of "re-education" It works for a 2 or 3 weeks and then one day he sneaks up on me and jumps me. He has even jumped me when I am bringing food.
  15. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Yeah I could do that. I will probably have to snatch him off his roost at night. They free range and roost in an ancient shed at the moment. I am in the middle of remodeling the bird coop.
  16. Penny Hen

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I have a rooster to process soon. He is mean. He an I have had go-tos several times (he jumps me). The only reason I haven't done the deed yet is that it wasn't conveniant to my work schedule and I didn't wish to kill him in front of the other chickens. He jumped me yesterday and I came close...
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