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  1. jennchick

    Newbie's Chicken Coop Pics

    Thanks for the suggestion
  2. jennchick

    Newbie's Chicken Coop Pics

    And the chicks :)... I know it's too early to tell, but I think the bigger of the two australorps is a rooster (he/she is almost twice the size of all the others and they are the same age).
  3. jennchick

    Newbie's Chicken Coop Pics

    Obviously we need to cut out the chicken door, fence in the run, and finish the trim, but it's a pretty good start for 2 weekends worth of work...
  4. jennchick

    Newbie's Chicken Coop Pics

    My fiance and I recently got 6 chicks from TSC (4 red sex linked and 2 black australorps). I'm already addicted and looking for some easter eggers or americaunas :). We are in the process of finishing the coop, but here is what we have so far:
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