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  1. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Nice to say hi to you all again =) Mary, I still have 1 GNH hen that hatched from eggs you sent me, such beautiful, beautiful birds. I have really loved her!
  2. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hello again everybody!! Still checking in from time to time!! What kinds of chickens are you all breeding now-a-days?? I'll be looking for some Black Laced Red Wyandottes possibly to improve the blue in a trio I just acquired... if any of you have some or have a suggestion where to get...
  3. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Looks like people are posting from time to time, so my turn!! Been pretty busy around here as well... The past year and half has been nuts as DH is working out of state (North Dakota, ugh), so I am playing single mom most of the time. Have legbars again and working on my Wheaten Marans...
  4. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    SOOO true!!!! DItto!!! Hope you all are doing well... busy spring and now school is almost out, whew!! At our local chickenstock some people kept giving me eggs and I forgot I had my own eggs to put in, so I ended up putting about 100 into my bators at one time, lol... had to stack them...
  5. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hi everyone!! Hope you don't mind if I stop by and say hi, I can't seem to keep up with anything these days!! DH is working out of town and until a month ago I was still working full then part-time to pay the bills till his pay made up the difference... I am still exhausted from it all...
  6. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Wow!! Wish we had that much here!! Boy, wouldn't it be nice if we could trade weather sometimes?? Oh, that sounds like fun, hope you had a nice time!! Oh, so sorry youwere sick, and HI!! YAY!!! So glad you had him and are doing ok!!! Hope you can get some rest, too =)
  7. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Goodness gracious, I guess over active!! What breed?? Hello there Madam!! What kind of chickens?? Hi TD!!! Nice to see everyone=) Hope you all had a nice turkey day, took my kids to MIL's for a few days, they have been out of school all week and with DH working out of town, wasn't sure...
  8. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Ohhh.... would love to see a picture!! Glad to know some of you use your greenhouses, and parts of the country that are much more humid than here... We just finished one pen and need to finish 2 more, but the birds that we moved in seem to like it so far, and much less drafty than where they...
  9. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    that's funny, better a broody than chicks in the house, at least for me anyway!! Yeah, same here, seems I can't get my life into any kind of order these days, even with school back in, it kind of drives me crazy.... Sorry about your birds!! MOST of your birds??? so sorry, how many did...
  10. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Yay!!! Murphy's law of chickens, you want a cockerel, you get pullets, you need more pullets, you get cockerels... ah well, such is the lottery we play!!
  11. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Ok, nice job!!! Wow, you are busy!! Well said!! WOO-HOO!! One of my bantam cochin pullets laid for 2 weeks and then went broody, dead in the middle of winter when it was below zero outside (not exaggerating), I had to put her in the garage, but she hatched out some really nice GNH from...
  12. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Beautiful birds TD!! Ok, so how exactly do you use the calf manna for the birds?? Does it come in a powder, do you mix it in so many days a week, etc??? I"ve read in a couple of different places now about using calf manna
  13. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Interesting that they stopped laying.... was the protein in the Co-Op feed all plant based? what do you think was the difference? BM6: sorry to hear your yard sale got rained out to the rain!
  14. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hey there!! I forgot you retired, yay!!! Yummy... the corn is just coming on around here, and yummo it is GOOD!!! for a hen!! Very interesting on the fermented feed, too!!
  15. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hello everyone!! Been one crazy summer here, I"m still trying to remember what happened to it, lol =) Hi Heather and Rachael =) YAY for all the new egg layers and How has everyone's summer been?? Tell me about the new system that the PO has? Have lots of you been getting dead chicks...
  16. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hey guys!! Had to jump through posts, so sorry, I missed lots of fun stuff, you guys are awesome!! pysanki... hope you get that fox bagged!! and WOW, your yard is beautiful!! Just wanted to stop by and say hi!! My summer has been terribly crazy and busy... needing to sell about a dozen...
  17. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Thanks for all the info on the Rhodebars.. Decisions, decisions, if I had space for a couple more pens, then it wouldn't be a dilemna at all, there are soo many beautiful birds!! Yes, I have read 7-9 months for POL, and since mine will be that age in the dead of winter, well, probably closer...
  18. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    For those of you with the rhodebars... tell me what you think about them... Good layers, useable for meat maybe?? I'm trying to decide between them and a nice quad of German New Hampshire that I have.. I don't have enough space for both... the GNH have been really good layers and are good...
  19. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hey all!! I really can't believe how busy this summer has been!! But had a minute and wanted to stop by and say "Hi!" Ahhhh...... My parents just got a Great Pyrenees puppy, she is so cute!! She'll be more of an all purpose guard dog I think, for grandkids and chickens hopefully, lol...
  20. Daloorashens

    The Front Porch Swing

    Sorry about all the quotes... this summer has really been just craziness... just back from girl's camp where I was the nurse for all the girls for a few days, then to DH's family reunion in a huge house in the middle of nowhere Utah that had NO airconditioning!! No trees, just kind of a...
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