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  1. Vincentsmom31

    My favorite "Hen" Crowed this morning. Is She a He?

    so I could keep Bunty with the rest of the girls and it'll be ok?
  2. Vincentsmom31

    My favorite "Hen" Crowed this morning. Is She a He?

    my baby is a boy isn't it. what do I do? do I have to keep him away from the other hens?
  3. Vincentsmom31

    My favorite "Hen" Crowed this morning. Is She a He?

    no pointy thin feathers on her/his neck or shoulders
  4. Vincentsmom31

    My favorite "Hen" Crowed this morning. Is She a He?

    this is my baby, I'm keeping Bunty whether or not he/she is ahem...macho.
  5. Vincentsmom31

    My favorite "Hen" Crowed this morning. Is She a He?

    My white plymouth rock is about 5 months old, was still peeping until about a week ago and has just started clucking. This morning she made a noise kinda like a crow, but sounded less cock-a-doodle-doo, and more AAAaaaruAAh! She's never made that sound before and now I'm worried she's a...
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