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  1. Mtn Laurel


    "Emerald Eggers"? Sounds beautiful. Need to see pics of these eggs!
  2. Mtn Laurel


    Oh, they are just soooo adorable! Hard not to want to scoop them all into a box and run home with them!
  3. Mtn Laurel


    Years ago I had a neighbor who had chickens and put the litter into their garden. Our gardens backed up to each other with a fence between the two. The difference in the two gardens was startling and very embarrassing for me! Planted at the same time, our gardens looked months apart. Everything...
  4. Mtn Laurel


    I bought from a farm store and had to take six. The other farm stores in the area has a 6 chick minimum, too. If you purchase privately from an individual, you can usually purchase less.
  5. Mtn Laurel


    Saw this yesterday and it's Oh-So-True about Virginia. Well, at least it keeps us from getting bored! Minus 2 degrees this morning. The girls aren't happy - won't come out of the coop because of the snow we got yesterday - but they all seem to be doing well.
  6. Mtn Laurel


    Manassas @ 9:00 AM and I understand we've got more to come. My girls are NOT happy! LOL!
  7. Mtn Laurel


    Snow just starting in Northern Virginia. Chickens are snug in their beds and I bet they'll be SHOCKED in the morning!
  8. Mtn Laurel


    Same thing in Prince William County - No slaughtering on your property.
  9. Mtn Laurel


    Oh, my, they're just beautiful. Brings back wonderful memories of when my black lab had a litter of 7 a little over 11 years ago. The first born - an old chocolate man with a very gray muzzle - is at my feet now. He's the final surviving member of a great litter. Congrats on a beautiful set of...
  10. Mtn Laurel


    0 degrees in my neck of Prince William Co. early this morning but we're now at a whopping 14. Woo-Hoo! Must be spring! We also had a frozen soft-shelled egg found in the coop floor this morning. I think this intense cold has them a bit befuddled although they seem to be handling it well, are...
  11. Mtn Laurel


    We used a lot of recycled material when building our coop. The tin roof was from a roofing friend, it was slightly dinged in places and he couldn't use it for new roofs. The windows were from a friend that does remodeling, he gave them to us instead of taking them to the dump. We found lumber on...
  12. Mtn Laurel


    It's my understanding that it's illegal to relocate wild animals in all of Virginia. Was told that when I went to trap and relocate a bunch of squirrels that were getting in my garden.
  13. Mtn Laurel


    Happy New Year from Prince William County!
  14. Mtn Laurel


    OMG, this is just too cool. I'm a 73' Fauquier Falcon, too. A high-school reunion on BYC! Am at work right now but will send you a PM to see if we know each other. You and I were on opposite ends of the county but I bet we know each other. My family has been in Paris VA since mid 1800's...
  15. Mtn Laurel


    Oh, I'm so glad you saw the post! Was afraid you'd not see it and almost sent you a private message. I'll admit to being biased as I'm a 10th generation native of the region and love it. However, wish I was back "home" in Fauquier County. The old "you can take the girl out of the country but you...
  16. Mtn Laurel


    Someone has already recommended Loudoun Co. and you'd probably need to go to at least Purcellville or further west on Rt. 7. I've not lived in Loudoun in many years but visit there and it's so grown up now that I hardly recognize it. The Lovettsville area in Loudoun might work for you, as well...
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