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  1. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Gwendolynne helped Firebird get to her dining room table, and Firebird lowered herself gently into a chair. Gwendolynne got out her first aid kit, and started to tend to Firebird's wounds. Firebird winced as Gwendolynne applied a guaze bandage to the gash in Firebird's cheek. "We're going to...
  2. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (what is there to explain? she is half vampire. bitten, but she has not drank the blood of a vampire. in some stories, if you're bitten thrice, you turn into a vamp. in some, only once. in this one, you have to be bitten and drink the vampire's blood. She has been bitten, but because she hasn't...
  3. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    and they take far too long to make.
  4. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    :D thanks! I don't know where else I would find wooden stakes, anyway. Maybe I just haven't found the 'wooden stakes' section of my local store yet...
  5. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Which is why she is only half-vamp. :)
  6. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Gwendolynne heard her doorbell ring, sighed, and walked to her door. "I'm coming!" She called. She opened her door, then jolted when she saw Firebird standing at her doorway. Firebird looked deathly pale, and much skinnier than she was last Gwendolynne saw her. Her whole body was shaking, even...
  7. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Firebird sidestepped away from the pile of ashes, with a second to think as the vampires re-grouped. She pulled her small, consealed dagger out from her boot, then beheaded two of the vampires. One of the vampires kicked her side, and she winced as the breath was knocked out of her. Another one...
  8. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    0.0 that's a really long post. And i'm not even done yet...
  9. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    hey, guys! sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've had a weird couple of weeks.) Firebird strolled down a grassy park, a bag of pencils under her left arm. Her long red hair swished around her waist, as she bent over the sketchpad, scribbling furiously. She let her feet take her wherever they...
  10. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Since vampires will be dying off left and right, I think i'd better make a couple more. Username: CayugaLover Character name: Elsewhere Age: 132 Gender: F Personality: evil. History: Appearance/Picture: Other: Bring it, Slayers. Username: CayugaLover Character name: Lengthening Shadows Age...
  11. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (Okay.) YES!
  12. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (what time is it in the RP?) Tarnished silver walked through a mall, a hoodie drawn over her bat wings to hide them and dark sunglasses over her glowing red eyes. the tips of her fangs peeked out between her dark red lips. basically, she screamed suspisiousness. her black leather boots clacked...
  13. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    awesome. :) wanna RP?
  14. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    yaaaay I is accepted :3
  15. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    I edited my form.
  16. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    She changed her name when she ran away from home. (I need to add that to her history...)
  17. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    Username: CayugaLover Character name: Amanda Parkingston Age: 16 (by a day) Gender: F Personality: very, very random. and funny. History: hasn't slain any vampires yet. Appearance/Picture: She has straight, shoulder-length brown hair. Bright blue eyes. Other: Bring it, vamps! Username...
  18. CayugaLover

    Vampire Slayer RP (Role Play)

    (That's fine. Awesome. ;))
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