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    I got the blues

    Quote: Thank you for the insight, but next time maybe be a little less harsh. I for one know that not everyone, including me, is an expert on sumatras and/or andalusians like you seem to be. We were all guessing, so please try to be a little more understanding next time... Perhaps I'm wrong...

    I got the blues

    Unbelievaable-there is nothing at all about this bird that would suggest that she's a Sumatra. The comb is wrong & the type is wrong. The length of the leg is wrong. The shape uf the beak is wrong. Angle of the back is wrong. Tail carraige is wrong. These are the things that define a breed. All...

    I got the blues

    Quote: Correct, but it's called a single comb not a straight comb. Also if you look at the picture of the actual Sumatra in the show cage you'll note that the tail carraige is quite different. The pullet in the OP is an Andalusian.
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