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  1. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Wow, that's a lot! I do give mine scraps from the kitchen and garden... and they do appear to be quite happy and healthy. It's only the Brahma eggs I'm having trouble with. The others all hatch fine. At least I know what to do now with my bumper crop of cayenne peppers! I wondered if that was ok...
  2. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Well today is actually hatch day... and I'm pretty well done. So far, 20 out of 22 eggs have hatched. One was 12 hours earlier than everyone else, the last one was mid morning today. The 2 left appear to have developed to full term, but I do not see internal pips...or any movement. Both are my...
  3. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    woohoo!! We're gonna go at the same time!
  4. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    The eggs went in lockdown last night. Out of 23, 22 looked to be ok. One quit early. This afternoon, I had some bills to pay and a checkbook to balance, so I sat down at my desk and got to work after a quick peek at the eggs, temps and humidity. Nothing happening and nothing was expected...
  5. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Yay! Lockdown begins tomorrow for hatch number 2! After culling some clears and a couple of blood rings at day 10, the 23 I have left seem to be doing great. The first hatch is just over a month old now and they are growing like weeds. We built 2 awesome A frame tractors for them so they...
  6. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    How cool is that! I too, just for chuckles, pulled 4 eggs from the fridge to fill out a row. They were more than 2 weeks old and the fridge is at 40 degrees. Day 7 candle showed all 4 developing. Day 10 is tonight. Can't wait to see how they are doing! Of course, I'm not counting my chickens...
  7. Lynnae4913

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    So who was it that warned me that hatching eggs is addicting? Lol! Yep! I've got another batch cookin' since my first hatch did so well. Those babies are over 3 weeks old now and so far, so good! I'm SURE this will have to be the last batch for this year. (don't laugh!) It's gotta be. The hens...
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