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  1. Amiga

    Duck trouble

  2. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Post 2495 You might try a PM.
  3. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Oh, very sad. I suppose something could have gone wrong, but this does not sound familiar. I wonder if Lacrystol, who does quite a bit of hatching so she has seen so many ducklings, may have an answer? You could try asking her.
  4. Amiga

    Duck trouble

  5. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    You are good to your ducks.
  6. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Ducks grieve when their friends go away. I talk to my grieving ducks, I think it helps us both.
  7. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    For the other duck - what is his name? An unbreakable mirror will probably help quite a bit.
  8. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    What a guy!
  9. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Drew ducks I feel that you gave Hewey the best life he could have had. He certainly was well loved.
  10. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    I am thinking about this - realized I ought to say so... What if there is an itty bitty splinter in the foot? That would keep it swollen. Epsom salt is a good thing - and it is a laxative so don't let her drink it.
  11. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    I would say give the babies time to settle in, get used to you, make sure they are stable, health-wise (I am sure they are). You may need to wait a while, till the weather is milder and set up a pen within a pen so the bigs and the littles can just see each other, and you can watch them and...
  12. Amiga

    Duck trouble

  13. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Happy Bird-day!
  14. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Proud of you all!
  15. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    David Holderread wrote, People often ask if they should "put down" a bird that has suffered major injuries. In my experience, birds appreciate the opportunity to recover. Ducks have an amazing ability to heal, even from injuries that appear to be catastrophic. (end of quote) Glad that...
  16. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    These are pretty much my thoughts, too, drew ducks. A good diet, perhaps a walker or a splint. If he's enjoying life, let him enjoy.
  17. Amiga

    Duck trouble

  18. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Woooo Hoooo!
  19. Amiga

    Duck trouble

  20. Amiga

    Duck trouble

    Good report, thanks!
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