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  1. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Just wondering how cocoa was doing? Hoping everything is going good with you. :)
  2. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Bad news is also good news in that you found what was wrong. Its nothing she can't live with. On the other hand... poor baby. Give her lots of love from me and wishing you and yours a happy thanksgiving.
  3. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    She looks very content. She also looks to be growing good. She ll eat hay when she's ready and not before. I just made sure mine had it available to her at all times in her dog cage so she could nibble when she wanted. Animals are a learning process. Lots of books written about what they should...
  4. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    So much good news. Glad she is doing so good. :) you two will show all those that doubted.
  5. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

  6. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    You are doing wonderful for a first time goat owner. You jumped in you are seeking advice and getting her the care she needs. Most of all you are loving her so even if something does happen ( I really hope not) you should be proud that you filled her life with love. Please don't give up on her...
  7. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    I think its a great idea. Please post the link if you do start a blog so we can keep updated on yours and cocoas adventures. Your a very descriptive writer so I think you would do good with a blog. Me, I just lay it out in a minimal way that would help no one. Lol
  8. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    I'm so happy for you guys. Yea!!!!!!!!. I did a big yes when I read that post about all her improvements. My daughter looked at me weird. She's 18 so I guess that's normal. I so totally agree about becoming attached to these people and animals on this site that we have never even met. Kinda...
  9. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    When you take her back have him show you exactly what you need to do with the stretches. She has no broken bones so you aren't going to hurt her anymore. Your going to want her used to handling her legs anyway for when you trim her hooves. : )
  10. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Yea!! I'm so happy nothing to serious. I'm from the cuff of michigan. Little village called north adams. Your vet sounds very nice. I worked for a small animal vet that was like that. His main concern was the animals and not money so much.
  11. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    When she's laying down id just simply extend her leg then push it back up to a flexed position multiple times. When I got goats I thought I had researched enough but that wasn't enough. I found talking to others who had actual hands on experience helped tons. Books are great to go by but goats...
  12. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Dont be nervous about stretches. Goats are more durable than they look. Kinda like human babies. Look so frail but really durable.
  13. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    That's what I did with my bottle baby while she was in the house. Baby wipes or wet washclothes with babyshampoo on them then rinse with more wet washclothes. I also used baby diapers on her when she was out of her pen because her favorite thing to do was chase the dogs then jump on couch and...
  14. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    So glad everything is going good. You might also wamt to tgink about doing some physical therapy on that hind leg. Gentle bends and stretches to help so it doesn't become atrophied. Will probally also help loosen those joints up and get more movement in them. Just an idea. You are doing...
  15. jorey

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Try sister site back yard lots of great goat info on there. Helped me when I first got my goats. Good luck. She's adorable.
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