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  1. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    There is a saying in south Texas, if you don't like the weather, wait a day. We're going to be in the 70's saturday. Isn't -10 degrees close to absolute zero, where all molecular motion ceases.:::P:D:lol:
  2. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    Pic. of yesterday morning, net positioned by afternoon, this morning, 40-50+ mph north winds off the bay. You Yankie ba--/people, KEEP YOUR COLD *** WEATHER!!! I HATE COLD!!! When we want white, we go to the beach. Progress will resume when my beer thaws out.
  3. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    Unfortunately, no. IT IS CLOSE. Holidays, friends, weather (drizzle, no actual rain that I am in desperate need for) lazy, bla bla bla. (DONE IS BETTER THAN GOOD). Birds arrived already, option two put into play (actually like all the ducks interacting). When/if ever finished, have decided...
  4. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    Ducks arrived, new pond enclosure not finished. Option two put into play. Band any species I already have so I can separate later, put them in the existing pen till new enclosure finished. So far everything looks good. Pretty crowded for a few days. My pair of mandarins thinking: there...
  5. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    Today was one of those 'one step forward, two steps back' days. As far as keeping the water in, my soil is heavy clay and what little water I loose just helps the surrounding ground and trees. I can dig down 6-8 feet and hit water, clean, clear, SALT water. I have four water wells, ranging...
  6. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    The magazine won't be home and gardens, it will be cheap and frugal. Except for wire and netting and a few 2 x 6's or 8's, I have the rest accumulated from auctions, or friends with connections. Glad I can finally use some of it. Why do you think I am trying to utilize the boat?
  7. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    Got dark, darn, but a beer was calling for me, ye ha. End of day, Sunday, three days left, here is progress for the day. Started attaching the 1/2 x 1 gaw wire and it got to dark. Here is a photo of two of my favorite pheasants,
  8. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    Here are some pictures this morning, hopefully it will look different this afternoon. First one looking to the left of new pond. Second to the right . Next ones from inside existing enclosure. Yes, it is getting crowded, but all the birds are well behaved. In the first picture, you can see...
  9. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    I have adult ducks coming. To the right of the pond is an existing enclosure containing 13 varieties of pheasant and 5 varieties of ducks (mandarins, wood, ring teal, falcated teal, white face). I am expanding my pond area to accommodate more and larger variety. New ducks arriving include...
  10. whatnext

    new pond enclosure

    New enclosure started. Main shallow pond drainage complete, however want deeper water for divers. Thinking of using 21' boat as other pond that dumps water into lower shallower pond. Hope I can make the boat pond look good. Think it will be ready in a week? That's when the new ducks should...
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