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  1. cholmberg

    2014 Hatchery Chick Orders

    why does this bring popcorn to mind? I can just see wee little birds constantly trying flutter out.
  2. cholmberg

    2014 Hatchery Chick Orders

    Mine are supposed to hatch/ship tomorrow. . . .and the weather is supposed to be dreadful I'm so worried about my little peepers.
  3. cholmberg

    2014 Hatchery Chick Orders

    First time having chickens again after a 10 year or so span without them (and missed them!) I ordered from Meyer for delivery March 4. 2 buff orpingtons 3 black australorps 4 light brown leghorns 6 EE 4 rare egg assortment 4 new hampshire reds 1 golden laced wayandotte 1 dominique 1 extra...
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