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  1. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    When I put my eggs in yesterday I decided to wait and see what the humidity would be... 7 hours after placing them in the incubator it was a whopping 18% lol... I decided to go ahead and treat it like my first hatch, Humidity is running steady at 46% and I am comfortable with that for now...
  2. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown A great thread on candling and what to look for
  3. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    You cannot candle ( to my knowledge) without opening the incubator, its recommended that you candle on day 7,14 and then again before lockdown.. Some folks do it more, some are pretty strict, I just let my gut guide me, if I have eggs I am concerned about I will candle again on day 10 For...
  4. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Yes, our front room it between our front door and the dining room sliding glass door, a lot of traffic, It just make sense now that I should have moved it back in the other room when I had problems keeping the temps level.. it was usually at night that it would happen of course, wake up to a...
  5. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    I'm on the list for Narragansett eggs as soon as they are laying and fertile.. Hoping next month...
  6. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Aww, that's sweet.. Thanks... I have to get this figured out, got my name on the list for Turkey eggs when they are ready and I do not want to mess this up... Got my sad day out of the way, now the incubator is sanitized and ready to start up again on Friday.. Moved it into the spare room and...
  7. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Second time incubating didn't go as well as the first... Out of 23 eggs set, 16 made it to lockdown and only 3 hatched and out of those I think only one is going to make it.. One has very bad splayed legs and curled toes, the other has a very large swollen abdomen, from what I have read it could...
  8. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Finally!! Hope hope hope this little one makes it out ok, its rocking and chirping , see it pretty soon I think if nothing else goes wrong!
  9. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Day 22... Ok, so something changed, I can definitely see the air sack has grown ...there are 4 that have not a lot of the fluid left at the pointy end of the egg and very limited movement... The others, not so sure, the air sack has grown but the fluid in many has not decreased, its like the...
  10. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Candled all 21 eggs last night, looked like 5 were gone, took them out and did eggtopsies, 4 were dead and one was starting to rot, the fifth sadly wasnt dead until of course I opened it up... I had marked some of the eggs to mark growth at the pointy end and this one hadn't filled in any more...
  11. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    on your hatch!!!!! At this point I would be satisfied with a 25% hatch..... I said early on I was way to relaxed...From now on I am going to fuss and stress every stinking day until they hatch!
  12. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    LOL, with my last hatch that's how I got them to wiggle, Family thought I was an idiot in there talking to eggs and laughing my head off when they wiggled in response.
  13. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    No, I have no plans to assist. Told DH this morn instead of a Thursday, Friday hatch we may have a Monday, Tues hatch or even later So keep them out of the turner?? Should I be turning them by hand?
  14. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    I have all 21 with clear tips, some are about 90% filled some about 2/3 full... I went ahead and took them out of the turner last night when I candled but now wondering if I should have left them in if they are so far behind.. I know there was a poster here that said she had some hatch 6 days...
  15. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    I'm heading into day 19 with all my eggs having clear tips, some more than others, movement in all I have candled so I know they are still alive, the only thing I can think of is that they are going to be late because I didn't run my temps at the recommended 101-102, ran it lower at 99.5-100...
  16. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    If I am not mistaken they were the first to hatch out of my last batch also...
  17. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Day 18 ....Everything is going along great, checked the EE's and they are pretty full I have an expectation they will hatch on time, checked a few of the GNH's and although they still haven't filled the shells tthere is definite movement so I am hopeful that if the EE's hatch the higher humidity...
  18. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Yep, that's the plan!! My two EE's look to be a tad further along, my only concern is having to jump into lockdown for them and it being to soon for the others.. I do have to correct what I said tho, I said my temps have been stable and they have but they have been lower then what I did with my...
  19. AmericanMom

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    The above picture is fat side, Air cell visable Day 18 starts tomorrow....I am still alittle worried, babies aren't taking up the full shell like my other hatch....I'm going to wait til day 19 to crank up the humidity ... Candle day 17 This is the skinny end of the egg, My last hatch at...
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