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  1. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Congrats. Doing well! They're adorable. My araucanas have been adopted by the chicks from my first hatch - they are teaching them the joys of running up to my hand in hopes of treats.
  2. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    It's okay, it's just spiking due to the wet chicks. Open the vent holes though, as the chicks will need plenty of oxygen. The heat won't drop that much.
  3. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Congrats! Here's some pics of my hatch. Araucana hatching All dried off I have no idea what colours the araucanas are, but they're beautiful.
  4. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    I would just leave them, if you're on day 18. Even if they take a bit longer it won't hurt them not to turn. The first 14 days are most important. 5am day 21, woke up to pee and went to check on eggs. The last egg has hatched, the chick is huge! So a very successful 100% hatch for me! I am...
  5. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Things are going well here... 6 of 7 eggs hatched, with the last one pipped, so with luck I'll get 7/7. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can, my phone is playing up.
  6. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Good luck! I'm sitting at work right now, wishing I was home to see what is happening with my eggs. One of my Araucanas was starting to zip as I left for work, so I should have another chick at least!
  7. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Morning of day 20 and I woke up to two freshly hatched wyandottes and 3 pipped araucanas. When I went to bed there were only two pips, so they have made a lot of progress through the night! Anyway, from what I have read about staggered hatches turning is most essential for the first 14 days. If...
  8. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Congrats! And now the waiting game begins.
  9. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    When you candled, you would have seen the air cell dips lower on one side of the egg than the other. They normally pip in that low side. Usually it will be facing up as the egg naturally rolls into that position, that side is lighter. There's a picture showing where they usually pip in the...
  10. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Good luck! It's day 17 for my second hatch today too, I have 4 araucana and 3 Wyandotte eggs set.
  11. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    I'll look up how to do it and have a go... I've got a few that I'm sure of the sex on so maybe I can use them to compare.
  12. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Not all chicks, but some do. My barred rock hatched with the stringy thing. Once it dried up it fell off. It's where they were connected to the yolk. As long as there's not still unabsorbed yolk you can cut it off, if they're struggling to walk dragging the egg shell. Don't pull on it because...
  13. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Mal is a Light Sussex. The spot on her head is purple sharpie, I wanted to be able to tell her from the other Sussex chick, so I can keep an eye on her. I think she'll be fine though.
  14. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Those chicks are adorable! And it looks like your Wellie might be a girl too! Here's a couple of my quail chickies. They're so tiny. And more chick pictures! The new welsummer Mystery chick - no idea what she is Silkie Here's Mal, looking much fluffier and happier now Silver...
  15. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Would love to see pics of your fluff balls! Whatever problems afflicted my chicken hatch didn't bother the quail, who have just hatched 6/6. About 28 hours between first pip and first hatch - they took their time!
  16. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    That's fantastic Frankie, I'm glad they're hatching for you. My quail are finally starting to zip but they're taking their time about. Got my barnie and marans chick. And happened to stop at a feedstore that had chicks for sale... so I got another 3 chicks. 1 is a silkie, 1 welsummer, and some...
  17. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Candled them last night, all dead. The temperature hit something like 45 Celsius. Too hot. I think my wallaby must have been grabbing at the dial, he is at that age where everything must be investigated. I'll make sure it can't happen again. The end of my hatch didn't go so well. The barred...
  18. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    The barred rock that pipped has hatched but has stuff stuck on his butt. Quail have pipped but aren't doing much and no other pips from the chickens... I hope I get a couple more hatch. Also just discovered someone knocked the temperature dial on the second bator that I have more quail eggs...
  19. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    My last quail hatch it took them ages to go from pipping to hatching. One hatched a full twelve hours before the others, and then suddenly they were all popping out. As I recall the hatch dragged out over 2 - 3 days. They'll be fine, Frankie. The waiting sucks though.
  20. Lyrika

    Day 18.....Lockdown

    Quail are pipping! I moved the dry chicks to the brooder, they were starting to play some serious football with the unhatched eggs. I wish the others would get on with pipping.
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