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  1. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I was in the feed store this past weekend asking whether any poultry feeds available had animal protein. The store manager told me they don't because most feed manufacturers make feed for a variety of livestock, and if they make anything with beef protein they can't make cattle feed; if they...
  2. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    APA show = APA standards Dragonlady's Buffs are nothing like the hatchery models.
  3. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Karen you nailed it, I was thinking the same thing. You can get something else and put breeding pressure on it to get what you want, or you can get some birds from Dragonlady who's already done the work for you.
  4. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    gjensen, nicely stated. When you said, "It was not long ago when a roasted bird was a luxury item" I remembered all those episodes of old westerns where it was a treat or celebration that got a bird roasted. I took your point to be that it is reasonable to have different expectations of...
  5. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Ah, right, okay, now that you have said this I remember you discussing over the summer while you were growing them out and beginning to make selections. Well isn't that a sticky wicket? Can a female without yellow feet still carry the recessive trait, or is it only the males?
  6. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    What male is covering the smaller, wider-tailed birds? Is there any reason to consider putting the larger male over them to possibly improve their size and then perhaps take a male from that cross back to the larger hens with narrow tails? Just curious - you are so well organized my assumption...
  7. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    On the first question, I would say try her with both a bantam and a LF male and see what each produces - she may carry genes that differ from her phenotype. On the second question, if they appear, post-molt, as you would expect them to after a normal 18-month molt, then yes, I would treat them...
  8. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    If you can, shovel down to bare dirt in at least a small area and scatter some scratch or give them dark green leafy veggies. They will benefit from some sun assisting their bodies in making D3 which helps calcium absorption.
  9. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Just read my new Poultry Press last night - immediately teared up when I saw Bob's name as author of an article. Man.
  10. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    As a Leghorn fan I'd go with one of the colored Leghorns, myself, but there are also the beautiful Blue Andalusians, which Lacy Blues has.
  11. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    We have had similar weather in Southern Colorado - Tuesday it was 63 degrees, Wednesday and on we can't get out of the teens, overnight lows ranging from single digits to below zero. It's predicted to be Tuesday before we top 20, and Wednesday we are expected to finally get above freezing. RIR...
  12. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Same here - I have eggs going to the hatcher tomorrow, and have had the same problem Jeff described, I am definitely going to try this too - will be good to compare notes.
  13. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I love you guys and gals :) Ve, thanks for sharing your pics, they are beautiful birds! It is rare to see Blacks. At least, it has been for me. No one in my neck of the woods has nice Leghorns, and that's okay, I will see about contacting Mark Atwood, he has been recommended by several...
  14. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Thanks Scott, they were given to me so I am out no money, I was asked to take the male because the owner lives in the city, and I told her I could not come home with just a male of a breed I do not currently own, and maintain any harmony in the house. She then offered me the pair. My fault, I...
  15. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    No comments needed on the pictures of the pair of Barnevelders I put up, Piet has already told me not to breed them. Apparently the pullet is probably not even a Barnevelder. No good deed shall go unpunished :)
  16. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I know Lacy Blues has Andalusians, YHF has Anconas, I have been trying to find RC Leghorns for the past year and tried to hatch some shipped Buttercup eggs (it was a bust). I quite agree, these breeds are beautiful and productive and economically attractive. I think people have been told they...
  17. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I took a few pictures of the new Barnevelder pair today. Forgive my completely inadequate photography skills. They are just about 4 months of age. I think I mentioned the day I picked them up, the male is quite a bit larger than the female, my brief review of the standard and Piet's photos...
  18. Pozees

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    X2! And has a gift for summarizing material she has been through!
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