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  1. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Let me just point out that the Internet can be your friend. My mentor is 4 States away but we spend a lot of time on the phone and I send him a LOT of pictures. He had been extremely supportive and very generous with his time.
  2. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    They don't have to make a profit... they just have to earn their keep. I can't imagine the mouse problem I would have without my 2 barn cats. And the 4 maremma? OMG, they are the hardest working of all. I haven't lost chick, lamb, or calf since getting the maremma. They eat 4 cups of kibble a...
  3. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I farm for a living. Each breed of livestock is not required to "make a profit" but each is required to feed us and be self supporting (as a minimum). I have primarily HRIR and Rhodebars, but keep a pen of production layers who are egg laying, flash on the pan, machines. In the past they...
  4. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Yes I have a small area"just for broodies" - if they stay broody when I move them then that's fine, if not they go back with the flock. But I never leave a broody with the flock because I want to know for sure whose eggs she is sitting on and for how long, I don't want her taking up box...
  5. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Makes more sense than eating an egg... At least they probably witnessed the babies drinking and assumed nutrition... As opposed to an egg?! ;-)
  6. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    It's fun to add the rams to the herd at the end of the season and have an unsuspecting visiting teenager help that day. Just don't say anything and wait and see how long it takes them to get over their confusion and ask what is wrong with that "ewe"? Yes, we laughed until we cried. Mean, I know...
  7. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Milking should not be a dirty job...
  8. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Concerning water and mold/algae... Remember 2 things. .. algae needs sun and lack of chlorine. So for those of you who are watering with city water (chlorine is a terrible idea imo) at least you don't have mold. Lol That said. .. I suspect many are confusing mold with algae... Not the same...
  9. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Oh ME TOO! ;-) Although? Fun to think about but... There is probably a reason we are naive at that age. ;-)
  10. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    No no no... You misunderstood. .. There is a genetic MILK test for determining potential cheese properties - 3 different genetic pairs actually.
  11. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    There are actually two places doing the genetic testing in the US... One is UCDavis (which is who I use), and the other is TX A&M That said... There are 3 genetic tests we do for cheese also... UCDavis does all that testing for me.
  12. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    All sheep are homozygous A2. That documentation, along with component testing for all the various dairy breeds can be found at the various research websites in several countries and here in the US at both the Spooner research station and the National database. Most Holsteins are not, very few...
  13. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I used machines when I wad milking hundreds a day. I now milk by hand - both cows and sheep. Ironically the cows are much messier. The sheep deposit only small marbles. .. And. .. When calm and trained to milk never make a mess when being milked... unlike cited to go tens to go whenever...
  14. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    All sheep are A2/A2... This fact, combined with the smaller molecules and several other interesting tidbits I won't bore it with, is why even those who are allergic to goats milk can drink sheep's milk (and eat sheep's milk cheeses). Many people make the assumption that goats and sheep are...
  15. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    When I raised 300 bottle lambs a year I brought my milk relaxer in by the ton from Canada because the quality of the milk replacer here was so poor. Feeding it free choice at room temp is the key... No gorging and no bloating (and they consume less).
  16. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    ROFL... hellbender we have GOT to get you a dexter. LOL
  17. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Google "The Devil in the Milk" Milk that isn't homozygous A2 has been linked to many health problems including autism. It is a controversial topic for 2 reasons: a) the A2 Corp who developed the test also did the research so many folks are critical of that, and b) most commercial dairies in...
  18. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    You are very fortunate. .. very few Jersey are A2/A2.
  19. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Oh mine get dumped and filled fresh daily during those winter months when they are confined... Otherwise they drink out of the stock tanks or the creek... Or the bucket I refill fresh below one of the tanks each morning. ;-)
  20. RedRidge

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I guess I am forced to agree... bluh! LOL But I can't agree without saying that I milk only cattle and sheep... You couldn't pay me enough to own a goat or to drink goats milk - is just gross. There is no better milk as far as taste or quality than sheep's milk imo but... We like butter so I...
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