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  1. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    My last hatch ended yesterday with 11 set and 11 hatched in the Brinsea. Here's photos of the April chicks. I have some set to hatch May 4th and 15th so will have to find that thread as I'm done with Aprils hatches. Good luck to for everyone's hatches. BLRW BLRW BLRW left and Americauna x...
  2. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Out of 49 put on lockdown yesterday I woke up to 4 lively chicks running around and 2 external pips but they are on the sides below the air cell. I've never had this happen before and they are from eggs I got from a few different chicken people near me. I've made sure they are turned up and both...
  3. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Just put 17 eggs in lock down, mix of BLRW, SS, EE and BYM from a different neighboring farmer which is Lav Orps and BLRW mixes. Just set another 22 EE, BLRW and SS. I'm now up to my 11th batch set so far. In 2 days I have a big batch to lock down of over 30. I'm seriously looking into buying a...
  4. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    They are kids hair bands from family dollar or dollar tree and they work wonderfully. You have to double wrap it for the fresh chicks but very easy to remove with a side cutters or scissors when you need. I used to use colored zip ties but they have no give and are harder to remove.
  5. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Blue=Speckled Sussex Pink=BLRW Green=EE Purple=BYM All my April hatches so far, more to lockdown today.
  6. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Broody left her 2 eggs yesterday so brought them in and just checked, one pipped already. Also put 8 more in lockdown earlier today. When I candled 2 were already internal pipped and it's only day 18, I've had them hatch on day 19 last year when I keep them in the Brinsea during the whole...
  7. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Well here they are! Hope you like and I didn't share too many.
  8. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    EE #1, sry for the bad photo but snapped it just as it pushed out. This is a Blue Wheaton Americauna with my BLRW roo. I hatched many of these last year and seemed those were the most wanted when I was selling at a few swaps so figured I'd keep hatching them. I only sell at swaps because I'm...
  9. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    The first 2 BLRW hatched. So cute!
  10. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    That humidity reading isn't so bad really. If it were down in the 20s then I'd be worries. Good luck. Im now up to 5 pips.
  11. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    3 external pips this am day 21. only 6 more to go.
  12. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Thanks, I knew I read it somewhere like that but after I hear everyone elses horror stories I get worried all over again and wanted to be sure.
  13. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Does anyone know how long after an internal pip their has to be an external before chick dies?
  14. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I'm going stir crazy and don't follow rules very well. I candled again and 5 of 6 BLRW are nearing pip I hope they finish and hatch. I've spent most of the morning staring at the eggs waiting for a crack. 3 are chirping and of the 10, 9 look like they are progressing. A few are a bit behind but...
  15. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    You have a good point. I wouldn't keep it that way very long but you have to keep tweaking to figure out your incubator. I have 4 running all different and everyone I have to do something different to keep it up. My first home made one I put a container I screwed to the side and used pvc pipe to...
  16. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    If your humidity gets any higher try half cocking the plug to let some air out. I have both out and the seems taped w duct tape and it's holding well.
  17. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I would, you need to get that humidity up more. If you able to just keep watch regulate in case its too much. Im not sure if your able to do this. Im a stay at home mom so I keep constant watch over my temps and humidity.
  18. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    What kind of bator? On my hova-bator I had to duct tape the seams in order to keep the humidity up too much air was leaking thru. You could try that? You are doing all the other things that I would of suggested. I use soaked wash clothes around which helps well. Good luck.
  19. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Now for the real excitement to begin. I just candled to check aircells again and heard chirping. I have 2 internal pips(one EE and a BLRW) so far only 9 more to go out of my first batch anyhow.
  20. Sclark73

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I have a total of 100 eggs to hatch by Easter, what was I thinking. I just put my first batch in lockdown this afternoon. 6 BLRW, 1 SS, 2 EE and a ? the kids forgot on the table without marking so I threw it in and it's going strong, pretty sure by the color it's out of my BO/Maran coop. Out of...
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