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  1. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I have a frizzle Cochin that bred with a silkie
  2. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    My hen hatched out 7/9 eggs. 6 are black frizzle/silkie mixes some with white tips on wings and feet and chests. Only one appears to be pure silkie and is lavender.
  3. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    5/7 silkie/frizzles hatched. I'll wait an extra day to see if the others are on their way. 4/5 are black with some having white chins- so cute! And since I only have 1 black roo I know who the daddy is, the momma is anyone's guess.
  4. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Does anyone know what the average incubation period is when using a broody hen? If memory serves me right the eggs tend to hatch a couple days sooner than the 21 days on average in a bator. But I can't remember.
  5. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Thursday I should have my first chicks of the year!!!!! I can't wait to see what hatches. Also if any know where I can get old English bantams please let me know! I don't want to buy 25 minimum from a hatchery. Thanks!
  6. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Then I must get a buff polish if anyone is hatching in the N TX area :)
  7. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Sounds like it. Lol. I'm still sticking to my silkies and Cochin frizzles. I'm anticipating some sizzles but we'll see what the chicken gods send me. I contemplated a polish but this kind- I don't know what color or kind it's called.
  8. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I haven't been on since my pox outbreak. It was aweful! I lost 2 grown Roos and 1 grown hen- the one that was mostly affected. Only 1 in quarantine made it. And the rest of the flock made it through as well. The 7/8 babies however did not. One by one it got them. It was heartbreaking, there was...
  9. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I got my second broody set up. She's a first timer so we'll see. I'm a little concerned bc she's setting on 15 silkie eggs. I think it's too many and I was/am tempted to discard a few. She seems to be managing fine, I can see partial eggs sticking out on a couple but for the most part they're...
  10. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I've got her in a cage with plenty if water and food that I know she's been eating. So, idk if that is the case. It could be but she's got plenty good and water to sustain herself during this time.
  11. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    We're about halfway into our incubation, maybe a little more with chicks due around thu next week but I have a question. My broody appears to have cracked an egg open and maybe eaten what's inside. I can only assume since all that's left us a shell and I know there's no way a check has hatched...
  12. sweetappleacres

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Here I go again, lord help me. My silkie went broody roughly 3 days ago so today we moved her into her private quarters. She didn't like it but she's on her eggs and gettin to it. I placed 8/9 eggs under her (one broke during transport) so cross our fingers we get a good hatch. They're a mix of...
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