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  1. ten chicks

    new member, new sickly chick

    Sounds like your chick might have the start of wry neck. Walking in circles is a clue. Here is a link explaining treatment,also do a search on wry neck. No they do not need DE and it will not help.
  2. ten chicks

    new member, new sickly chick

    newmarch2014,is your chick showing no improvement? If no,i would treat for coccidiosis,if you cannot locate any Corid or might be called Amprol(depends where you live) then give her some buttermilk as it helps coat the intestines until corid(amprolium)can be located. Corid is found in the...
  3. ten chicks

    new member, new sickly chick

    Is it possible to put one chick with her,this way she will not be alone. Pick one that appears the most docile out of the bunch,see if they snuggle together. Try adding water to feed(so it resembles oatmeal)most chicks love this and it is easier for frail ones to eat. Make sure she is kept warm.
  4. ten chicks

    new member, new sickly chick

    Yes! Cocci thrives in brooder settings. She may not have coccidiosis,but i always recommend new chicken keepers to become knowledgeable regarding cocci just in case.
  5. ten chicks

    new member, new sickly chick

    If you are a new chicken keeper,i would suggest you become very knowledgeable regarding Coccidiosis. Cocci is the leading cause of death among chicks and kills very fast. if you see any symptoms never wait,purchase a coccidiostat such as Corid and treat ALL birds immediately,treating chicks for...
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