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  1. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I'm so very glad too, and yes it was Ms Lydia that recommended the Epernix. Thanks so much. I'm almost sure now that that is why Henry died. I am so glad that Scarface is showing so much improvement, although he now thinks he's a "house gander" and that he's supposed to come in at night. I guess...
  2. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Update on Scarface! I have put the second treatment of the Epernix on him, and seems that the lice are all gone! Also saw where some worms were killed too, so he's got to be feeling better. So, the Epernix worked wonderfully. Thanks so much for all your help guys! I got him a new pool too and...
  3. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    BTW, We're all okay, and made it through the terrible storms unscathed, this time! Others weren't so luck though. There have been at least 16 deaths reported from it so far. We dodged the bullet once more and everything here is ok for now. Keep us all here in Bama, in your prayers though...
  4. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Yes, I have mixed it up with the water as per directions, just not with the activation ingredient that's used for the disinfectant stuff. Just the plain Oxine and water, and put it in a mister bottle. He doesn't seem to mind me misting his face with it. Yeah, I finally wised up about the puppy...
  5. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Yes it's been really bad here, although we escaped any destruction here at our house, but others weren't so lucky. There have been several deaths with these storms ripping through. We need lots of prayers from everyone because we are due for more of the same later today and tonight. Sarface will...
  6. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Yes, about both Scarface and my rooster Harry with the same lice/mites or something infestation. I did put the Envernix drops on Scarface and seems that they are gone. Don't see any anyway. His eye is still not good, has bubbles in it, still putting the Tetracycline and Electrolytes in his water...
  7. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I may try that baytril. I don't think I will be able to apply anything to his face or eye with a q-tip. He won't even let you look at it. He turns so he can see you at all times cause he can't see out of that eye. I have some of that Oxy stuff that you can mix and spray on chickens for virus and...
  8. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Good idea about the blindfold. The Epernix that I have is the pour on type. It came in a large plastic bottle already mixed with a big dosage thing for cows. I used an eye dropper to do Scarface's drops on him Was going to use the same dropper for the chickens. Would it be sufficient to just...
  9. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Already tried the powder and the DE in a big flat plastic sweater storing bin full of great dusting dirt. They won't go for it at all! I hate to think I will have to dust him. We may both wind up in the hospital after that episode was finished! Don't know why they won't get in that bin and dust...
  10. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Hey all! Yeah!!! Success!! Finally got the Epernix in the mail several days ago and got it on him, and successfully kept him out of the water for at least 18 hrs. I tried to look on him to see if they were gone and don't see any like they were crawling on him so hopefully it got them all...
  11. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Hey! His face was getting better to start with but now seems to be no progress. Think I need some stronger antibiotics for that just don't think the Tetracycline is strong enough, taking too long. I just got the Epernix today and it's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow, so I haven't put it on...
  12. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Yes, it's very sad when these things happen. As they say "a LITTLE knowledge, is a dangerous thing." So is NO knowledge! I can't believe that my Step Dad didn't do research on chickens and geese before he got them to see what all they need. Been only feeding Scarface cracked corn, but of course...
  13. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I couldn't find it at Jeffers or Revival Animal Health, but did a google search and turned out Amazon had it. $45.99 for 8 oz, didn't have any smaller. Hope the life time of the stuff lasts a while since I will no where near use all that anytime soon. Scarface weighs probably about 10- 12...
  14. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Thanks so much Miss Lydia!! I will absolutely be getting some of that immediately! I think I can handle that with not much of a problem with a little help to keep him still or occupied while I put it on him. Poor thing, no telling how long he has had that problem! Henry never shook his head...
  15. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Well, have another problem now with Scarface! He has lice!! How in the round world did he get lice being in the water all the time? I couldn't believe it. If he hadn't been in here under the light tonight and being really still while watching TV, I would have never seen them. I'm sure since he...
  16. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I know one thing though, I'm fixing to start doing a lot of studying and reading and finding out how to take care of my animals myself! I can't stand any more of this kind of thing. I don't ever want this to happen again, so I'm fixing to get myself informed, since I finally realize that there's...
  17. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I was considering that, but I know Scarface would be very mean and protective of her even more than he was about Henry. He wouldn't let anyone get near Henry! Henry wasn't like that though, but Scarface would chase you and bite you if he could to keep you away from Henry, so I can imagine how he...
  18. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I love, love, love BYC folks!!! Thanks y'all for everything you do!
  19. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Yes, they were really very happy and have been for many years. Scarface is still talking about it and calling, looking depressed bending his head down a lot. He is eating though and drinking the medicated water, so I'm glad about that. His face is looking better. I got him some turnip greens...
  20. Harry Rooster

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    In loving memory of my wonderful and beautiful friend, Henry (on right). RIP Henry, we love you and miss you very much!
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