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  1. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    I imagine it wasn't, in fact it was all probably pretty creepy for you, I was a little rattled just because one of my hens jumped up and pecked me in the butt because she wanted treatsWhich is nothing compared to a mosquito swarm attack followed by your little flock of Remoras feasting off of...
  2. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    I'm crying I am laughing so hard!!!!!
  3. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Duplicate post...sorry
  4. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    I just looked it up and the tomato plant is in the night shade family and only the stems and leaves are toxic, not the fruit. Whew, good to know!!!
  5. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    OH MY, your chickens and my Black Orpington and Black star hens never got the memo that tomatos are suppose to be toxic to chickens! I cannot keep those feathered pests out of the garden, they eat the tomatoes green and only half of one before moving on to destroy another one!!! Time to put up...
  6. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Awesome, I've got that in place already!
  7. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    I forgot to post that the Chicken popsicle was a huge hit and it took them a very long time to get it eaten. It kept them busy for hours! I am definitely going to do this again.
  8. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    I really should add some cat food to the next chicken Popsicle. I didn't know they liked cat food!
  9. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Yes, our adorable little guy is in the coop. He prefers "chicken flavored water" apposed to the plain water I give him. We call him "our favorite chicken, whom lays black and white velvet eggs" as a joke because of his penance of hanging out in the various chicken coops. This is the cat's...
  10. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Butternut huh? I had better let my friend know because she has a ton of butternut squash growing and it's her first year with chickens, whom have access to her oh so luscious garden! Hey, we both have cat avatars on a chicken forum.....LOL And yes. it is disturbing the way way they like a...
  11. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    The giant popsicle is a hit! It is going to take them a long time to pick through it, so it is a good entertainment source as well. The chicken who seemed to like it the most is the Cream Legbar rooster. I swear, he had to have brain freeze, yet would not give himself a break. All of the...
  12. minnehaha

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Treats Treats Treats! When it comes to giving my flock treats, they go so crazy that i call them my little Velociraptors! I'm even thinking about naming my hen house "Velociraptor coop". Their favorite treat of all time is a Costco Rotisserie chicken carcass. My family is a tad wasteful...
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