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  1. smarsh

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    I didn't know anything ate eggplant My chicken coop sets under a hackberry tree. They loved the tender leaves the tree happened to drop in the spring; to the point that I tried them, somewhat of a mustard green taste, not bad.
  2. smarsh

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    yeah, mine too, i have a pullet that otherwise doesn't like to be handled but will crawl in my lap and look in my shirt pocket for a raisin
  3. smarsh

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    yes, i can google the refute too. You can't eat enough spinach to deplete calcium, or at least i know i can't don't believe everything on the internet. and eat your spinach, it's good for you.
  4. smarsh

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    bread, pasta, and meat seem to be the favorites in the leftovers from the table. I fed a tub of ricotta cheese to them once; they loved that, preened each others face for the remaining bits. Not so interested in green stuff other than spinach, but mine free range some so green isn't so rare.
  5. smarsh

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    where did this notion come from? is there some evidence of this? I would like some proof
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