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  1. tatinatimom

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Sometimes I swear you walk away for 10 minutes and come back and one looks bigger!! It's crazy but so gratifying knowing you are doing a good job raising them!
  2. tatinatimom

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Thanks to everyone who has chimed in about the egg shells!! Being a new momma hen I want to do what's best for my girls! With all the advice & tips I can get from the flock at Backyard Chickens they're bound to be TOTALLY SPOILED in no time!!!
  3. tatinatimom

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Question.... Is there any use for the egg shells for the chickens after you cook them up a treat of boiled or scrambled eggs?
  4. tatinatimom

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Being new to chicken rearing I was hesitant to give treats. I wasn't sure how young was too young. But, I gave my seven (then 3 week old) chicks plain, cooked spaghetti noodles for the first time.THEY WENT NUTS!! Especially for the one that someone had. LOL They didn't care that there was a full...
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