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  1. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Congrats on your beautiful babies Darkblue
  2. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    positive thoughts Taz, positive thoughts!! THIS time they are ALL going to hatch - you have taken such good care of them
  3. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh, do post pics some time soon!!
  4. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    You and me both!! But I could see her pattern of working in the wee hours of the morning and thought I'd give her another day - she hatched at 6.30am there are now two more working away at their pips today, not started unzipping yet. Faith doesn't like being in the incubator OR brooder alone so...
  5. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    DarkBlue - I am using a 60W in a small brooder - but right now none of the kids will put our one hatcher down, so she's cuddled down into my daughter's chest! Sleeping!
  6. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Way to go! I think it's like watching water boil. As soon as you look away, it happens but if you watch it takes forever! ! We're hatching buddies today...I have another trying to make its way into this world!
  7. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Faith resting and getting stronger! :)
  8. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Lol. That seems to be my only pastime too!! Right now there are 3 kids with their heads locked together over the bator window as one of the ducklings hatch, the first one! They have already requested a day off school and it's not even 7am yet. My 9yo woke me excitedly about 10 mins ago. Little...
  9. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh well, thank you anyway! Late tonight (because I couldn't sleep) I have candled and noticed two more pips externally, all the others are still packed in tight with no apparent internal pip. I'll leave them all be now...and just wait!!
  10. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Of course! They are Mallards...
  11. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Well, after dinner and kids in bed I checked again on the eggs and for some hours there'd been no sign of anything, even with tapping on the outside of the bator, so I armed up with warm water, paper towel, tweezers, clean hands and a warm towel to investigate. Almost as soon as I picked her up...
  12. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Thanks Taz and DarkBlue, I will wait at least till the kids go to bed (late afternoon here) and then think about what to do - to help or not to help?? Yes! It's an incredibly hard decision to make. H is all, let it happen! I'm worrying a bit - but whatever happen, happens! I have noticed...
  13. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oooh, exciting! Also can't wait for pics!!
  14. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    *Sigh* I don't know what I should do! BUT I'm fairly sure my humidity is good (not too dry in there), none of the other eggs have even started yet and she still seems to have enough energy to rock her egg a fair bit, so maybe I'm best to give her another overnight bout - she did a lot of work...
  15. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Thanks Taz, You are awesome! despite asking for a design with an adjustable lamp, I was given a fixed connection without consultation and told "she'll be right!" (Very Australian, my bloke! ) so I'm stuck having to change out globes! I can get a 75W but I think it won't fit into the brooder...
  16. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Walmart is a long way from, halfway round the world!! But I can get the bug lights at my hardware store, only they are 100W and I was worried that the 100W I had was too hot....The brooder box isnt all that big (not my idea) and when I had the 100W on testing it, it heated up real...
  17. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Also, my faith egg, she's been working at cracking her egg for 38 hrs now - she's made most progress in the last 12 - should I think about helping her soon or just let it be? None of the other eggs seem to be making progress - I wonder if its time for candling and intervention???????? I'd like...
  18. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Quick question - I've set up the brooder ready for these ducklings and I have just about burnt my eyeballs looking at that incandescent bulb and I remembered that some pics include bulbs with aluminum foil wrapped over them. Is this just so your eyes don't feel like mine , does it increase the...
  19. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh my! It's all happening! So many cute pics - keep them coming!! In the dead of the night I could hear lots of tapping, very light - sounded like when the wood fire is just getting some heat up and the metal is expanding - anyway I woke up this morning to more cracks in the number 1 egg (I'll...
  20. Mamasaurus

    August Hatch-A-Long

    *sigh* There's something about babies! Congratulations!
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