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  1. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    LOL, good luck! I still have no signs of hatching, and I just sit & stare at still probably dead eggs hoping to see a wiggle...
  2. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    howfunkyisurchicken & Iko127, your babies are so adorable! Great job - soak up all the fuzzy sweetness while you can . My (5) 8 week olds are at that 'agh!, don't touch me!!' stage. They were all so cuddly & affectionate until a few weeks ago - now they only want something to do with me when...
  3. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh, thanks for asking. And I'm so happy for you about your little fluffballs!!! Can't wait to see pics if you are able to... I'm afraid my eggs have all died. No wiggling, no cheeps, and certainly no pips. I haven't taken them out, because I once read that someone's chicken egg took as long as...
  4. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    *Sigh* fuss with my eggs...must not open bator during lockdown...:)
  5. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Looks like a tray full of fun! :)
  6. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I am so sorry for your loss. It must be hard not knowing what happened...
  7. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Yikes! Can you ask this question in the hatching forum? I would put my bator in a much larger box well surrounded by Styrofoam chunks or packing peanuts (?). I don't know if it would work, but that would help absorb the shock & jolt the eggs less. Also, would your bator hold a high enough...
  8. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I love them!!! Your little amauracana just cracks me up, congrats!
  9. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long exciting!
  10. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I haven't seen any wiggling or heard any peeps & tomorrow is day 21. I was told my hatch might be delayed a day cuz of the power outage. But should i be seeing some wiggling by now? Would I mess up the chance of hatching if I candled again?
  11. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    They are adorable!
  12. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I kept the rock outside of my water because I didn't think it would help much to combine them. I'm new at this, but as I understand it, heat sinks need to be separate of each other to soak up as much heat as possible to radiate it when the bator temp drops. If you are having trouble with space...
  13. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    When I was a child I knew a woman who hatched in an open air tub with a single lightbulb for heat in the living room of her wood heated home . She had to have temp fluctuations- I grew up in the mountains on NE Washington. I know some didn't make it, but I'll never forget seeing the 1st egg...
  14. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Sweet! Can you already see the movement? I think my hatch day may be delayed by 1 day due to the power outage, so we may have same day hatches :)
  15. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Can't wait to hear how this hatch goes for you. When is your lockdown?
  16. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Awesome! I'm happy for you, enjoy your new little fuzzies. :)
  17. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I have read of people just sterilizing landscaping gravel. I used a flat rock about 4"x5" due to space issues. I like the mason jars filled with water, too. I kept lids on til day 18 lockdown then took them off cuz humidity is freakishly low where I live & my bator needs all the humidity help it...
  18. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    WOW! Congratulations!
  19. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Lol you have your hands full! Are your chicks being nice to the tiny new baby?
  20. WendyF

    August Hatch-A-Long

    When I was doing the test run on my homemade styrofoam incubator my temp was fluctuating up to 4 degrees a day until I added 2 mason jars filled with water & with lids on & 1 sterilized rock a bit bigger than my hand. Now if temp fluctuates it's 1 degree or less. The heat sinks really helped me...
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