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  1. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    After two weeks of fighting whatever it was, our trooper died last night. We are very sad. We had just decided that she deserves a third look by the vet and were ready to pay for the blood works. We tried our best but we still feel that we failed her somehow. Thanks for all your support. All...
  2. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    Day 2.5 on antibiotics. She is still fighting, she's a trooper. Her breathing seems to have improved and she is trying to peck on some rocks. We are providing grit for her to peck on, she's drinking some water but mainly she wants to be in her little area lying down. We are still hoping...
  3. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    Oh no. That would be really scary. Her eyes look clear, not foggy. She basically looks pretty normal except for the lethargy and a crooked comb. My husband just called me - he saw the second vet. She looked at the stool and didn't find parasites but gave her a shot for parasites for good...
  4. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    Unfortunately he just said it was a virus without specifying any disease or treatment. She is walking a little, standing up, walking, sitting down. Mostly sitting down. I move the food from one place to another, whereever she is sitting so she can be close just in case. So, no limbs are...
  5. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    I wanted to give you an update. 5 days later and we still haven't seen much improvement. We also haven't seen her condition deteriorating though. We have been trying to make her drink and she takes a few sips here and there. We use a syringe to get some baby bird food into her and that seems to...
  6. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    He checked for a stuck egg as that was what we were suspecting. But he did not find anything. He did not suggest to worm her. We have some stuff that we added to their feed when the first one was sick but that turned out to be not worms, so we stopped applying the additive. At this point...
  7. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    The vet didn't diagnose anything. He said it's probably a virus. Here is the picture of the poop:
  8. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    I was able to give her some water with Corid in a syringe. Now she is lying down again, as if to lay an egg. Eyes closed. Sill not eating.
  9. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    Just wanted to give you an update. She was looking better in the afternoon, ate a good portion of tuna, some melon, little grains. This morning, after a night inside the house in an unfamiliar environment, she is lethargic again, not eating or drinking. Her poop looks yellow, soft to runny and...
  10. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    My husband is on his way to get the Corid. I so hope it will work. Thank you for your input!
  11. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    He didn't mention the disease, he wanted to euthanize her. Coop is well ventilated and they roam outside. Where can I get this medication today? Also, maybe as an additional information, the other two chickens were sick a month ago. So, it's not a fast spreading virus, but it's somewhere...
  12. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    Hi, no wheezing, coughing or discharge. Just open beak while breathing. She eats a little bit when you put something in front of her. I gave her some scrambled eggs, melon spiked with grains and she ate, but she doesn't get up a lot. Poop is yellow runny and stuck to her butt. Her comb is all...
  13. ShimmersMom

    Chicken lethargic and has a hard time breathing

    We lost two chickens already and the third one has started to become really lethargic. Sitting down a lot. She also stopped laying. All chickens are about 7 months old. We took her to the vet as I thought she might have been egg bound. He says it's a virus and there is nothing he can do. So...
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