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  1. alldembirds

    What would you do with an Evil Squirrel?

    you have to do what you have to do. I hope its quick It's crazy how different places are, everybody here carries a knife. The rule in school was the blade had to be under 3'' and almost every boy carried a knife. We had a shooting range upstairs so the JROTC could shoot air rifles also, so i...
  2. alldembirds

    What would you do with an Evil Squirrel?

    squirrel season started 5/24, there is no danger in that right now, they are not raising young or mating right now.
  3. alldembirds

    What would you do with an Evil Squirrel?

    just one of the advantages to living in the boonies, my friends from the city like to come down and shoot, we will spend hours shooting away and never get bothered. I have 15 acres, the closest neighbor is an apocalypse preper, he doesnt care, the land behind me is owned by an apocalyptic church...
  4. alldembirds

    What would you do with an Evil Squirrel?

    depends on where you live i can buy a gun in a couple hours and need no permits for a rifle or shotgun. First time I bought a gun it was a 12 gauge shotgun and I was in and out of the store in about an hour, I was 19. I would argue drowning animals is torture.
  5. alldembirds

    What would you do with an Evil Squirrel?

    I think I would prefer the instant release of a bullet than gasping for air and drowning to death. but maybe thats just me.
  6. alldembirds

    What would you do with an Evil Squirrel?

    I would make evil squirrel stew.
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